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Cannot setup a route returning `[Int: String]`

lmcd opened this issue · comments

Describe the issue

Only dictionary responses with String as the key are allowed

Vapor version


Operating system and version


Swift version


Steps to reproduce

Setup a route like so:

get("thing") { req -> [Int: String] in
   return [:]


Observe error:

Referencing instance method 'get(_:use:)' on 'Dictionary' requires the types 'Int' and 'String' be equivalent

Additional notes

No response

This requires CodingKeyRepresentable to solve, which is problematic thanks to it being guarded behind a pointless and unnecessary macOS 12 availability condition.

Thanks for the quick response.
I'm targeting > macOS 12.3

Edit: seeing same targeting macOS 13.0

Shouldn't we have access to CodingKeyRepresentable now that the minimum version is 5.7?

Seems to originating here:

extension Dictionary: Content, ResponseEncodable, RequestDecodable, AsyncRequestDecodable, AsyncResponseEncodable where Key == String, Value: Content {
    public static var defaultContentType: HTTPMediaType {
        return .json

/// If adding conformance in an extension, you must ensure the type already conforms to `Codable`.

Could anyone recommend a simple way of overcoming this until it's fixed?

Ok, I've replace with this, which I know is wrong, but it fixes by use case in the meantime:

extension Dictionary: Content, ResponseEncodable, RequestDecodable, AsyncRequestDecodable, AsyncResponseEncodable where Key: Codable, Value: Content {
    public static var defaultContentType: HTTPMediaType {
        return .json

The simple fix would be to define a type that conforms to Content - we can't adopt CodingKey stuff until Vapor 5 so I'm going to close this as there's a workaround