Unable to handle binary data
perduamour opened this issue · comments
The following codes won't work, redis server can't receive the proper command:
let byteArray: [UInt8] = [0x10, 0xAC]
let data = Data(bytes: byteArray)
app.withPooledConnection(to: .redis) { redis in
return redis.rpush([RedisData.bulkString(data)], into: "1")
but the following works:
let byteArray: [UInt8] = [0x10]
let data = Data(bytes: byteArray)
app.withPooledConnection(to: .redis) { redis in
return redis.rpush([RedisData.bulkString(data)], into: "1")
I think #113 will fix that. @tanner0101 could you please review that?
#113 has been merged. @perduamour update to 3.1.0 using swift package update
. The problem should be fixed. Thanks :)