vapor/leaf Issues
About extend import tags
Closed 3Path "Resources/Views" not found
Closed 11Comment removes new line
Closed 1iOS support
Closed 1support literal arrays
Closed 1Update Package.swift for Vapor 3
Closed 3Allow } character inside #set
Closed 2Templated/Renderable Models
Closed 1easier method to disable caching
Closed 1Mismatched types with addition
Closed 4Nested embeds don't work
Closed 1#loop in one line
Closed 3Leaf 3 - no way to add custom tags
Closed 11IntelliJ plugin
Updated 4Leaf requires #notequal
Closed 2access the index in a loop
Closed 1Leaf requires an #ifnot()
Closed 4Declaring variables
Closed 5Prettier html
Closed 3Packages with views
Closed 3empty tag not found
Closed 4