vapor / leaf

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Reuse HML components

beastgrim opened this issue · comments

So I have reusable HTML component, ex textfield. For example its look like this:

<div class=#(class)>
        <label class="label">#(title)</label>
        <span data-name="#(name)">
        <input size="40" id="#(id)" placeholder="#(placeholder)" value="#(value)" type="#(type)" name="#(name)" accept="#(accept)">

Also I have data for this HTML component:

struct TextFiled: Encodable {
    var `class`: String?
    var title: String?
    var name: String?
    var placeholder: String?
    var value: String?
    var type: String?
    var accept: String?

struct Form: Encodable {
    var email: TextFiled
    var phone: TextFiled
    var address: TextFiled

I send data to render like this:

func routes(_ app: Application) throws {
    app.get { req async throws in
        return try await req.view.render("index", Form(
            email: TextFiled(...),
            phone: TextFiled(...),
            address: TextFiled(...)

And I can't realise how to pass data to reusable textfields?
Intuitively it should be something like this, but it doesn't work.

<div class="form">
#extend("textfield") { #(email) }
#extend("textfield") { #(phone) }
#extend("textfield") { #(address) }

Thanks for any help how to do it.

You can print out the context in the render function when debugging to see how it's passed in, but it should be something like - Leaf uses Codable so it's based off keys rather than types