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Unable to Build On ARM (Linux) - Due to unavailable Float80 Type

leogdion opened this issue · comments

I'm not sure there's a way to test for this with an availability check in Swift.

/home/travis/build/brightdigit/OrchardNest/.build/checkouts/leaf-kit/Sources/LeafKit/LeafData/LeafDataRepresentable.swift:45:11: error: 'Float80' is unavailable: Float80 is not available on target platform.
1436extension Float80: LeafDataRepresentable {}
1437          ^~~~~~~
1438Swift.Float80:2:23: note: 'Float80' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
1439@frozen public struct Float80 {
1440                      ^
1441/home/travis/build/brightdigit/OrchardNest/.build/checkouts/leaf-kit/Sources/LeafKit/LeafData/LeafDataRepresentable.swift:45:1: error: type 'Float80' does not conform to protocol 'LeafDataRepresentable'
1442extension Float80: LeafDataRepresentable {}
1444/home/travis/build/brightdigit/OrchardNest/.build/checkouts/leaf-kit/Sources/LeafKit/LeafData/LeafDataRepresentable.swift:9:9: note: protocol requires property 'leafData' with type 'LeafData'; do you want to add a stub?
1445    var leafData: LeafData { get }
1446        ^

Already recorded vapor/leaf-kit#69