vapor-community / stripe

Stripe library for Vapor

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Upcoming Invoice has no id

baarde opened this issue · comments

When retrieving the upcoming invoice for a customer, the decoding fails as the response does not contain an id for the upcoming invoice (the invoice does not exist yet).

I see several ways to solve that issue but they're all bad:

  • Make optional. (but it's inconsistent and breaks source compatibility)
  • Add a new UpcomingInvoice type. (but it's inelegant)
  • Implement init(from:) and generate a fake id if it's missing. (but We're Not Hackers!)

Does anybody have a better idea? What solution is the least bad?

That doesn’t make sense. There should always be an id for a model type 🤔

I've never heard of such a thing. Do you have an example JSON payload you can show us? If you do, i'l like to contact stripe about this and see what they say

Here's what I get from

  "object": "invoice",
  "amount_due": 4000,
  "amount_paid": 0,
  "amount_remaining": 4000,
  "application_fee": null,
  "attempt_count": 0,
  "attempted": false,
  "billing": "charge_automatically",
  "billing_reason": "upcoming",
  "charge": null,
  "closed": false,
  "currency": "eur",
  "customer": "cus_DnV6VISHNLWp3u",
  "date": 1542555735,
  "description": "",
  "discount": null,
  "due_date": null,
  "ending_balance": 0,
  "forgiven": false,
  "lines": {
    "object": "list",
    "data": [
        "id": "sli_b7e1521f97c8df",
        "object": "line_item",
        "amount": 4000,
        "currency": "eur",
        "description": "1 × Test Product (at €40.00 / month)",
        "discountable": true,
        "livemode": false,
        "metadata": {
        "period": {
          "end": 1545147735,
          "start": 1542555735
        "plan": {
          "id": "plan_DoG8w6QuhyuiIv",
          "object": "plan",
          "active": true,
          "aggregate_usage": null,
          "amount": 4000,
          "billing_scheme": "per_unit",
          "created": 1539877276,
          "currency": "eur",
          "interval": "month",
          "interval_count": 1,
          "livemode": false,
          "metadata": {
          "nickname": "test_monthly",
          "product": "prod_DOIdWznp6eBlmN",
          "tiers": null,
          "tiers_mode": null,
          "transform_usage": null,
          "trial_period_days": null,
          "usage_type": "licensed"
        "proration": false,
        "quantity": 1,
        "subscription": "sub_DoG9rVZ9yGQcmv",
        "subscription_item": "si_DoG9GCGzb8kBS7",
        "type": "subscription"
    "has_more": false,
    "total_count": 1,
    "url": "/v1/invoices/upcoming/lines?customer=cus_DnV6VISHNLWp3u\u0026subscription=sub_DoG9rVZ9yGQcmv"
  "livemode": false,
  "metadata": {
  "next_payment_attempt": 1542559335,
  "number": "0ECAD41-0004",
  "paid": false,
  "period_end": 1542555735,
  "period_start": 1539877335,
  "receipt_number": null,
  "starting_balance": 0,
  "statement_descriptor": null,
  "subscription": "sub_DoG9rVZ9yGQcmv",
  "subtotal": 4000,
  "tax": null,
  "tax_percent": null,
  "total": 4000,
  "webhooks_delivered_at": null

I've found the following resources:

The received Invoice object will not have an invoice ID.

Ahhhhhh I see I see
I’d be ok with making it optional and writing a comment about that SO answer as a reference.