vapor-community / HTMLKit

Create and render HTML templates with HTMLKit

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Accessibility attributes are missing

mattesmohr opened this issue · comments

The attributes for accessibility ( aren't implemented yet.

For documentation reasons:

Variant 1 Variant 2 Variant 3 Variant 4 Variant 5
.ariaActiveDescendant(String)   .aria(activedescendat: String) .activeDescendant(String)  
.ariaAtomic(Bool)   .aria(atomic: Bool) .atomic(Bool) .isAtomic(Bool)
.ariaAutoComplete(Token)   .aria(autocomplete: Token) .autocomplete(Token)  
.ariaBusy(Bool)   .aria(busy: Bool) .busy(Bool) .isBusy(Bool)
.ariaChecked(Token)   .aria(checked: Token) .checked(Token)  
.ariaColumnCount(Int) .ariaColumn(count: Int) .aria(columncount: Int) .columnCount(Int)  
.ariaColumnIndex(Int) .ariaColumn(index: Int) .aria(columnindex: Int) .columnIndex(Int)  
.ariaColumnSpan(Int) .ariaColumn(span: Int) .aria(columnspan: Int) .columnSpan(Int)  
.ariaControls(String)   .aria(controls: String) .controls(String)  
.ariaCurrent(Token)   .aria(current: Token) .current(Token)  
.ariaDetails(String)   .aria(details: String) .details(String)  
.ariaDescribedBy(String) .ariaDescribed(by: String) .aria(described: String) .describedBy(String)  
.ariaDisabled(Bool)   .aria(disabled: Bool) .disabled(Bool) .isDisabled(Bool)
.ariaErrorMessage(String)   .aria(error: String) .errorMessage(String)  
.ariaExpanded(Bool)   .aria(expanded: Bool) .expanded(Bool) .isExpanded(Bool)
.ariaFlowTo(String)   .aria(flowto: String) .flowTo(String)  
.ariaHasPopup(Bool)   .aria(popup: Bool) .hasPopup(Bool)  
.ariaHidden(Bool)   .aria(hidden: Bool) .hidden(Bool) .isHidden(Bool)
.ariaInvalid(Bool)   .aria(invalid: Bool) .invalid(Bool) .isInvalid(Bool)
.ariaKeyShortCuts(String)   .aria(keyshortcuts: String) .keyShortcuts(String)  
.ariaLabel(String)   .aria(label: String) .label(String)  
.ariaLabeledBy(String) .ariaLabeled(by: String) .aria(labeled: String) .labeledBy(String) .labeled(by: String)
.ariaLevel(Int)   .aria(level: Int) .level(Int)  
.ariaModal(Bool)   .aria(modal: Bool) .modal(Bool) .isModal(Bool)
.ariaMultiline(Bool)   .aria(multiline: Bool) .multiline(Bool) .isMultiline(Bool)
.ariaMultiSelectable(Bool)   .aria(multiselect: Bool) .multiselectable(Bool) .isMultiSelectable(Bool)
.ariaOrientation(Token)   .aria(orientation: Token) .orientation(Token)  
.ariaOwns(String)   .aria(owns: String) .owns(String)  
.ariaPlaceholder(String)   .aria(placeholder: String) .placeholder(String)  
.ariaPositionInset(Int)   .aria(positioninset: Int) .positionInset(Int)  
.ariaPressed(Token)   .aria(pressed: Token) .pressed(Token)  
.ariaReadyOnly(Bool)   .aria(readonly: Bool) .readonly(Bool) .isReadyonly(Bool)
.ariaRelevant(Token)   .aria(relevant: Token) .relevant(Token)  
.ariaRequired(Bool)   .aria(required: Bool) .required(Bool) .isRequired(Bool)
.ariaRoleDescription(String)   .aria(roledescription: String) .roleDescription(String)  
.ariaRowCount(Int) .ariaRow(count: Int) .aria(rowcount: Int) .rowCount(Int)  
.ariaRowIndex(Int) .ariaRow(index: Int) .aria(rowindex: Int) .rowIndex(Int)  
.ariaRowSpan(Int) .ariaRow(span: Int) .aria(rowspan: Int) .rowSpan(Int)  
.ariaSelected(Token)   .aria(selected: Token) .rowSelected(Token)  
.ariaSetSize(Int)   .aria(setsize: Int) .setSize(Int)  
.ariaSort(Token)   .aria(sort: Token) .sort(Token)  
.ariaValueMaximum(Float) .ariaValue(maximum: Float) .aria(valuemaximum: Float) .maximumValue(Float)  
.ariaValueMinimum(Float) .ariaValue(minimum: Float) .aria(valueminimum: Float) .minimumValue(Float)  
.ariaValueNow(Float) .ariaValue(now: Float) .aria(valuenow: Float) .valueNow(Float)  
.ariaValueText(String) .ariaValue(text: String) .aria(valuetext: String) .valueText(String)  

Hey @MatsMoll, I think I need another opinion on this. I would like to add accessibility attributes to HTMLKit.

So I went through the documentation and I was hoping I could implement them the same way, as I did with the event attributes lately.

Tag {
.on(event: .drag, "")

But the aria attributes have not the same value type, wich on the event attributes is always String. So I have to implement them differently.

We usually do something like

Tag {

right? So I listed all the variants, I could think of, in the previous post. I would like to hear you opinion, wich of the variant you like the most.

Variant 1 and Variant 2 is like we would normally do.
Variant 3 is more like the implementation of the event attributes. Seeing .on and .aria as one single attribute.
Variant 4 and 5 is like the first and the second but without the hint about the aria-attribute.

I know its more like a question about "style", so don't rip my head off. :-D

Tag {
.class("test test-style")

Tag {
.class("test test-style")
.aria(labeled: "Test")
.aria(modal: true)

Hmm.. 🤔

Personally do I like the .aria(model: true) syntax, as I find it clearer to separate the "generic" aria from the more "important" model or what ever it is.

So I would maybe like the variant 3 with camel case in the attribute name ass well. E.g: .aria(columnCount: Int). Or would that be a bit odd?

Hmm.. 🤔

Personally do I like the .aria(model: true) syntax, as I find it clearer to separate the "generic" aria from the more "important" model or what ever it is.

So I would maybe like the variant 3 with camel case in the attribute name ass well. E.g: .aria(columnCount: Int). Or would that be a bit odd?

I will try it out and let you know. Thank you 👍

For documentation reasons:

Element Implicit Role Additional Roles Attributes
Abbreviation (abbr) - any global, aria-*
Address - any global, aria-*
Anchor (a) link button, checkbox, menuitem* global, aria-*
Area link - global, aria-*
Article article application, document, feed, main, none, presentation, region global, aria-*
Aside complementary feed, none, note, presentation, region, search global, aria-*
Audio - application global, aria-* (application)
Base - - -
Bdi - any global, aria-*
Bdo - any global, aria-*
Blockquote - any global, aria-*
Body - - global, aria-* (document)
Bold (b) - any global, aria-*
Button button checkbox, link, menuitem*, option, radio, switch, tab global, aria-*
Canvas - any global, aria-*
Caption - - global
Cite - any global, aria-*
Code - any global, aria-*
Column (col) - - -
ColumnGroup (colgroup) - - -
Data - any global, aria-*
DataCell (td) cell, gridcell any global, aria-*
DataList listbox - global, aria-* (listbox)
Definition (dfn) term any global, aria-*
DeletedText (del) - any global, aria-*
DescriptionList (dl) - group, list, presentation, none global, aria-*
Details group - global, aria-* (group)
Dialog dialog alertdialog global, aria-* (dialog)
Division (div) - any global, aria-*
Embed - application, document, img, presentation, none global, aria-*
Emphasize (em) - any global, aria-*
Fieldset group none, presentation, radiogroup global, aria-*
Figure figure any global, aria-*
FigureCaption - group, presentation, none global, aria-*
Footer contentinfo group, none, presentation global, aria-*
Form form search, none, presentation global, aria-*
Head - - -
Header banner group, none, presentation global, aria-*
HeaderCell (th) columnheader, rowheader, cell, gridcell any global, aria-*
Heading1 (h1) heading none, presentation, tab global, aria-*
Heading2 (h2) heading none, presentation, tab global, aria-*
Heading3 (h3) heading none, presentation, tab global, aria-*
Heading4 (h4) heading none, presentation, tab global, aria-*
Heading5 (h5) heading none, presentation, tab global, aria-*
Heading6 (h6) heading none, presentation, tab global, aria-*
HeadingGroup (hgroup) - any global, aria-*
HorizontalRule (hr) separator none, presentation global, aria-* (separator)
Html document - -
Image (img) img, presentation button, checkbox, link, menuitem*, option, progressbar global, aria-*
InlineFrame (iframe) - application, document, img, none, presentation global, aria-*
InsertedText (ins) - any global, aria-*
Italic (i) - any global, aria-*
KeyboardInput (kbd) - any global, aria-*
Label - - global
Legend - - global
LineBreak (br) - presentation, none global, aria-*
Link - - -
ListItem (li) listitem menuitem*, option, none, presentation, radio, separato, tab, treeitem global, aria-*
Main main - global, aria-* (main)
Map - - -
Mark - any global, aria-*
Meta - - -
Meter - - global
Navigation (nav) navigation menu, menubar, tablist global, aria-*
NoScript - - -
Object - application, document, img global, aria-*
OrderedList (ol) list directory, group, listbox, menu, menubar, none, presentation global, aria-*
Option option - global, aria-* (option)
OptionGroup (optgroup) group - global, aria-* (group)
Output status any global, aria-*
Paragraph (p) - any global, aria-*
Parameter (param) - - -
Picture - - -
PreformattedText (pre) - any global, aria-*
Progress progressbar - global, aria-* (progressbar)
Ruby - any global, aria-*
RubyText (rt) - any global, aria-*
RubyPronunciation (rp) - any global, aria-*
SampleOutput - any global, aria-*
Script - - -
Section region alert*, application, banner, complementary, contentinfo, dialog global, aria-* (combobox, listbox)
Select combobox, listbox menu
ShortQuote (q) - any global, aria-*
Small - any global, aria-*
Strong (s) - any global, aria-*
Span - any global, aria-*
Subscript - any global, aria-*
Summary button - global, aria-* (button)
Superscript - any global, aria-*
Style - - -
Source - - -
Table table any global, aria-*
TableBody (tbody) rowgroup any global, aria-*
TableHead (thead) rowgroup any global, aria-*
TableFoot (tfoot) rowgroup any global, aria-*
TableRow (tr) row any global, aria-*
Template - - -
TermName (dt) term listitem global, aria-*
TermDefinition (dd) definition - global, aria-* (definition)
TextArea textbox - global, aria-* (textbox)
Time - any global, aria-*
Title - - -
Track - - -
Underline (u) - any global, aria-*
UnorderedList (ul) list directory, group, listbox, menu, menubar, none, presentation global, aria-*
Variable (var) - any global, aria-*
Video - application global, aria-* (application)
WordBreak (wbr) - any global, aria-*