vantatrung / devvm

Spryker DevVM (development vm)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Spryker OS - Reference repository for DevVM

This repository contains the Vagrantfile for setting up initial state of the DevVM. Provisioning of the machine is done using SaltStack.

To install Spryker, refer to Installation guide - B2C or Installation guide - B2B.

This repository contains:

  • saltstack - SaltStack implementation for provisioning reference infrastructure for development
  • pillar - Pillar configuration values used by SaltStack
  • Vagrantfile(s) used by Vagrant for managing local VirtualBox VMs


  • VirtualBox >= 5.2.x
  • Vagrant >= 2.2.3
  • vagrant-hostmanager plugin

VM Settings

The VM starts with the default configuration for project demoshop and IP To change project name, edit Vagrantfile and change the value of the VM_PROJECT (ie. to demoshop, project) and VM_IP(digits only) variables. The IP address must be unique, so each VM on your workstation has a unique IP address.

Adjust the VM_DOMAIN variable value according to your config_default-development hostnames. The default value is taken from the VM_PROJECT variable. For example, the following hostnames are generated for the default value VM_PROJECT=demoshop:

Note on PHP OPcache

To use OPcache for CLI calls, the VM ships with PHP opcache file cache enabled. Cache contents are stored in /var/tmp/opcache. After enabling or disabling PHP modules, for example to fix an unexpected PHP error like Segmentation fault, make sure to clear cache by running the command:

sudo rm -rf /var/tmp/opcache/*; sudo systemctl restart php7.4-fpm

Customizing the VM

PHP development modules

The PHP module xdebug is pre-installed on the DevVM, but not enabled by default. We do not recommend using xdebug and opcache simultaneously as it is dangerous. To enable Xdebug, run the commands:

# Enable XDebug, disable OpCache, clear disk cache, restart FPM
sudo -i bash -c " \
  phpenmod -v 7.4 -s cli -m xdebug; \
  phpenmod -v 7.4 -s fpm -m xdebug; \
  phpdismod -v 7.4 -s cli -m opcache; \
  phpdismod -v 7.4 -s fpm -m opcache; \
  rm -rf /var/tmp/opcache/*; \
  systemctl restart php7.4-fpm \

Running with xdebug enabled and opcache disabled cause the application to be slower, so consider keeping it disabled when not needed. To disable Xdebug and re-enable OPcache, run the commands:

# Disable XDebug, enable OpCache, clear disk cache, restart FPM
sudo -i bash -c " \
  phpdismod -v 7.4 -s cli -m xdebug; \
  phpdismod -v 7.4 -s fpm -m xdebug; \
  phpenmod -v 7.4 -s cli -m opcache; \
  phpenmod -v 7.4 -s fpm -m opcache; \
  rm -rf /var/tmp/opcache/*; \
  systemctl restart php7.4-fpm \

Version tree and lifecycle

After release ci-119, we decided to stop using auto-incremented release numbers and switch to semantic versioning. Next version becomes 1.0.0. We follow git-flow:

  • Branch master is used to release tested features.
  • Branch develop is used for release candidates (tags like v2.0.0-RC1) and is merged into master whenever we officialy release a new version, after internal QA process.


PHP 7.1 and Elasticsearch 2.x [EOL]


Includes PHP 7.2 and Elasticsearch 5.x


Upgraded Elasticsearch to 7.8.1, Kibana to 7.8.1, since 3.1.0 also PHP 7.4


Spryker DevVM (development vm)

License:MIT License


Language:SaltStack 60.1%Language:Ruby 19.5%Language:Shell 17.5%Language:PHP 2.9%