vangorra / python_withings_api

Library for the Withings Health API

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Shutting down access and refresh tokens endpoints

chpego opened this issue · comments


I receive this information, from withings

There is a deprecated endpoint for authentification

It looks like it is already pointing at the new oauth endpoint.

II think that one is used for getting health data.

Authorization code still uses old one:

URL: Final = ""
PATH_AUTHORIZE: Final = "oauth2_user/authorize2"
PATH_TOKEN: Final = "oauth2/token" # nosec

And it is used in

def get_credentials(self, code: str) -> Credentials2:
"""Get the oauth credentials."""
response: Final = self._session.fetch_token(
"%s/%s" % (self.URL, self.PATH_TOKEN),

self._client: Final = OAuth2Session(
client=WebApplicationClient( # nosec
auto_refresh_url="%s/%s" % (WithingsAuth.URL, WithingsAuth.PATH_TOKEN),

Also request output changed, so this:

and this

should probably be
self._update_token(token=token_dict["body"]) ,

I did those changes in my fork, going to check tomorrow if that fixes the issue.

Oh you're correct. Good catch.

How'd that work out?

Not complete success. Starts correctly, but refresh fails. Now there are two different URLs one for refresh (wsbapi) and the old one for authentication And it seems that the something is changed in payloads. I'd need to debug little bit more to see what is actually going on during oauth2 flow.

If you guys need another tester, I'd be willing to have a go. Unfortunately I haven't had the time to dedicate to adding python to my list of languages so I can't help there.

BTW, the PR below and it's commits were never put in. Vangorra had a bunch of changes to workaround some other bugs and the reauth bug supposedly.


I've created PR #76 with token refresh fix, tested in Home Assistant. I'm running long time test to see if updates are affected.

Can we run this though on our system without having to have it pull the API from pypi or wherever it pulls from?

Might be complicated. I patched the library directly into home assistant.
If you can log in to shell of your Home Assistant container, then you could do following:

cd /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/withings_api

And then restart HA.

For info there probably needs to be another fix for Home Assistant component, but for the time being I don't have issue.

Created new pull request as #78 as changes in Withings response are not compatible with default behavior of requests_oauthlib and oauthlib and are breaking reauth flows.