vampire-studios / Randomly-Adding-Anything

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

World Generation/Rendering gone array

BinxetyBinx opened this issue · comments

I submitted an issue already about a crash when placing blocks, and this started happening right after creating a new world after that incident. The previous crash report mentioned a problem with rendering and in general I think it's just doing some really weird stuff. I came across a couple random blocks generated in the world that belong to this mod. Then the trees started doing this... As I flew around it just kept happening more and more.

2020-03-19_05 14 21
2020-03-19_05 15 17
2020-03-19_05 16 56
2020-03-19_05 17 35

Removing RAA eliminated the issue entirely.

Do you have Optifine installed?

Optfine is not installed.

I've had similar issues