vague2k / huez.nvim

Theme picker/manager, Using the powers of Telescope for the frontend and Lazy.nvim for the backend

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theme configuration

vague2k opened this issue · comments

let users configure themes from within the plugin, preferably without going back to their config

good feature... i was searching if that is possible

Hey there! I had been working on a personal theme manager till I migrated to huez. I was wondering if I could pitch in a proposal for this issue and maybe contribute to this?

Proposed setup

--- huez/init.lua
M.setup = function(user_opts)
---  after setting user_opts
--- Before scheduling and loading current theme

--- huez/config.lua
---@class Huez.Config
---@field theme_config_dir? string

  --- Loads all individual theme configurations set in the directory theme_config_dir
  ---@class Huez.ThemeConf
  ---@field set_theme fun(theme: string):boolean
  local theme_conf = {}

  ---- The below table will contain a mapping from a theme name to the config
  ---@type table<string, Huez.ThemeConf>
  M.themes = {}

--- This function will be called instead of vim.cmd.colorscheme to set the theme
---@param theme string
---@return boolean
M.set_theme = function (theme)
  -- Check if set theme is defined for the theme.
  -- If so, call set theme and return response
  -- else call the default vim.cmd.colorscheme with theme to set

@cool-pants This seems promising, I like the idea of using a function to set the theme configuration on a per key basis. I'll take a look at it over the weekend

edit: if you'd like to fork it and work on it in the mean you are more than free to do so !

resolved as of #44