vabarbosa / cli-slides

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CLI Slides

A framework to build slide decks that will run in the terminal. This application will use a JSON file to generate a full slide deck. You can use many of the different templates for the slides or, if you feel adventurous, you can create your own.

Once you start the presentation tool, it will support hot reloading of you slide deck. This means you can open your presentation, change the JSON file and you should immediately see the changes in your terminal.


You can install the cli-slides package from npm and then run it with your presentation .json file.

npm install -g cli-slides
cli-slides path/to/presentation.json

JSON File Structure

The slides file uses the following syntax. Those properties are used for the presentation layout (headers and footers).

  "title": "My New Talk",       // Title of the presentation
  "presenter": "Joel Lord",     // Name of the presenter / author
  "date": "November 25, 2019",  // Date of the event
  "conference": "This Event",   // Conference name
  "company": "Red Hat",         // Company / Organization
  "location": "Toronto, Canada",// Event location
  "twitter": {                  // Twitter information about the presenter and event
    "presenter": "@joel__lord",
    "event": "#EventHashtag"
  "frame": {                    // This object is optional
    "top": {                    
      "center": "title"         // Text displayed at the top
    "bottom": {                 // Text displayed at the bottom (see frame section)
      "left": ["twitter.presenter", "twitter.event"],
      "center": "company"
  "slides": []                  // An array containing the slide definitions

Frame metadata

You can specify what to display at the top of the slides, in the center by setting the property. CLI-slides will try to find a matching property in the deck definition or will display the text as a specified.

You can also customize the bottom part. The bottom section takes up to two lines. The frame.bottom.left and properties both take a string (for a single line) or an array of strings (if you need two lines). The strings can either be the property to display in the deck definition file or some text to be displayed.

Slide Templates

Many slide templates are available, each one has a slightly different structure.


A slide template to display code. Code be be displayed as a whole, line by line, or one highlighted section at a time.

  "type": "code",
  "title": "Slide Title",
  "multistep": true,
  "multistepType": "highlight",
  "text": "Description for this code sample",
  "code": "[reverse]npm install[reset] [reverse]-g[reset] [reverse]./demo.json[reset]",
  "notes": "You can also add footer notes"

title: The title to be displayed on this slide. code: The code snippet to be displayed, will be enclosed in a box. Use an array to display multiple lines of code. text: Description of the code snippet, displayed over the box. notes (optional): Adds some notes at the bottom of the slide. multistep (optional): boolean. multistep (optional): "line" or "highlight". Will display one line at a time or one highlighted item at a time.


Used to display some text on the left side and some ASCII art on the right side. You're on your own to draw that diagram though.

  "type": "diagram",
  "title": "Slide Title",
  "diagram": [
    "|            Box A          |",
    "               |             ",
    "               v             ",
    "|            Box B          |",
    "-----------------------------"  ]

title: The title to be displayed on the left side of the slide. diagram: An array of strings to be displayed on the right side


A list of items. Items can be displayed at once or one at a time.

  "type": "list",
  "title": "Title of the slide",
  "list": [
    "Item number 1",
    "Item number 2",
    "Item number 3"


A simple slide with a title and some text.

  "type": "simple",
  "title": "Slide Title",
  "text": "You can use a long string here, text will wrap. Or use \n for multiple lines"

title: The title to be displayed on this slide. text: Some text to be displayed. Text will be centered and wraps automatically. Supports multiple lines with the \n character


Shows a fun little ASCII character and some text in a bubble.

  "type": "speaking",
  "character": "over-cubbie",
  "text": "Hey there!"

character: The preset ASCII character to display

  • over-cubbie Someone looking over a wall
  • me: A man smiling
  • me-oh-no: Same as me with closed eyes and open mouth
  • silly-face: A face with a confused look
  • scream: The scream emoji converted to ASCII art

text: Text to be displayed in a bubble


If you need a 2 column template, you can use this one. For now, it's restricted to a list on the left side and some text on the right side.

  "type": "split",
  "left": {
    "title": "Left Side Title",
    "list": [
      "Item 1",
      "Item 2",
      "Item 3"
  "right": {
    "text": [
      "You can put some text here",
      "or maybe a diagram",
      "Sky's the limit"

left: Component on the left side

  • title: Title to be displayed on the left
  • list: Array of items to be displayed right: Component on the right side
  • text: Text to be displayed on the right side


The famous terminal inside the terminal! Note: The terminal does not support interactive commands and will only display the final output.

  "type": "terminal",
  "title": "Terminal Inside The Terminal",
  "text": "You can run some shell commands here. Try 'ls'."

title: Title at the top of the slide text (optional): Text displayed over the terminal


Used typically as a presentation title. Will convert the text into ASCII art.

  "type": "title",
  "title": "Slide Title"

title: The title to be displayed on this slide. Converted into ASCII art. Letters only.


Just a title slide. Can be used for section separator.

  "type": "titleOnly",
  "title": "New Section"

title: The title to be displayed on this slide.


All the strings provided to the slides can use the following styling. Note that you should always terminate your string with a [reset] tag.

  • [bright]
  • [dim]
  • [underscore]
  • [blink] (limited support)
  • [reverse]
  • [hidden]
  • [black]
  • [red]
  • [green]
  • [yellow]
  • [blue]
  • [magenta]
  • [cyan]
  • [white]
  • [bgblack]
  • [bgred]
  • [bggreen]
  • [bgyellow]
  • [bgblue]
  • [bgmagenta]
  • [bgcyan]
  • [bgwhite]



Language:JavaScript 99.8%Language:Dockerfile 0.2%