vaab / colour

Python color representations manipulation library (RGB, HSL, web, ...)

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Implement major color representations

pradyunsg opened this issue · comments

Nice job with this library.

The only thing I think is that it does not implement all the colour representations. Here's a check-list to motivate you to add those.

  • Web (Hex/Colour Names)
  • RGB
  • HCL / LCH
  • HSL
  • HSV
  • XYZ
  • CYM
  • CYMK

Possibly the best part of this library is that it is independent (single-file, no dependencies). I request you to please keep it the same.

Hehe, thanks for your interest and support, and sharing your POV. There are no plans to get this more complex than it is now. And PR are welcome for all these other formats :), or even some links to page expliciting the conversion algorithms that could be used would surely help these to be released sooner.

You could use colorsys from the standard library. That has RGB to HSV, HSL, YUI and vice-versa.

Also, here's a link to a page with the relevant color-conversion formulae.

Also, colours should be stored as decimal, for arbitrary precision.

Bump. Any chance someone else would work on this?

Cool and nice library, but I'm looking for a library that supports LAB.

Closing since doesn't look like anyone's gonna be doing this. :)