v3n0m-Scanner / V3n0M-Scanner

Popular Pentesting scanner in Python3.6 for SQLi/XSS/LFI/RFI and other Vulns

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

v3n0m scanner suddenly stops with line "killed".

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Ran v3n0m scanner with 5k dorks, got 130k urls, and it came up with 8 exploitables before the program suddenly stopped and said "Killed." What happened? Is this normal or a bug?

I checked the v3n0m-sqli.txt file, it is empty.

what domain was the target?

left target line empty. Was that fine or did I need an asterisk?

you need to specify a target domain ie .com .org .net etc
also a reminder : certain high profile domains are black listed from working with this tool, aswell as changing the dork list for carding will result in v3n0m refusing to work.

Im going to guess he accidentally CTRL-D'd the scan as he says it was going through the exploitable list, which, doesnt have a Kill.PID call therefore he mustve accidentally stopped the scan himself.

You're probably right, Since he didn't post a traceback code, i assumed he meant it hung and he had to kill it either due to an error for leaving target blank (never tried leaving it blank myself) or tried carding with it.

Probably CTRL-D by accident, was running it in tmux and must have hit CTRL-D instead of CTRL-B. Thanks, sorry about wasting your time.