v2kiran / PSLiteDB

PowerShell wrapper for LiteDB

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

String is always converted to DateTime under certain conditions

AutoComplete1 opened this issue · comments

I have a problem with the latest version of PSLiteDB. When I want to convert a PSCustomObject to a LiteDBBson Object, I always get the following error:
"Clould not convert string to DateTime: Datenschutz"

As I already found out, the problem is the string itself. As soon as the string contains the word DATE, it is recognized as a date. In German data protection means DATEnschutz and after here Date is in the word, it tries to convert the string to a date.

small example code:

Import-Module PSLiteDB

$dbPath = "C:\tmp\test1.db"
New-LiteDBDatabase -Path $dbPath -Verbose
Open-LiteDBConnection -Database $dbPath
New-LiteDBCollection -Collection Event

[String]$mystring = 'Datenschutz'

$myOBJ = [PSCustomObject]@{
 MyString = $mystring

$myBSON = $myOBJ | ConvertTo-LiteDbBson

I had this issue too.

line 85 in psm1...

# Convert JSON datetime string value to bson datetime values
$bsonobj.GetEnumerator() |
    Where-Object {
        $_.value.value -match "date|(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})T(\d{2})\:(\d{2})\:(\d{2})"
        } |
        ForEach-Object {
            $kvp = $_
            $hash[$kvp.key] = [MSJsonDateConverter]::Convert($kvp)

fixed in v2.2