v1k0d3n / kubeadm-centos

An Ansible playbook to create a k8s cluster on CentOS 7.1 using kubeadm bootstrapping.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Ansible playbook to install a development Kubernetes (k8s) cluster using kubeadm

This uses CentOS 7.1

In a CloudStack cloud, I will skip the prereq for Ansible to focus on running the playbook. If I have time I will modify the plays to run on AWS as well.

Create a Kubernetes cluster

Copy vars/local_config.yml.example to vars/local_config.yml and update to your needs. These will be ignored by git so you can update as you need. Similarly, copy vars/secrets.yml.example to vars/secrets.yml and then use the ansible-vault tool to encrypt it, if you need to protect it (you'll need to pass --ask-vault-pass when running the playbook if you do this).

$ ansible-playbook k8s.yml

This will start a Kubernetes master node and a number of compute nodes.

Check the tasks and templates in roles/k8s.

Bootstrap with kubeadm

$ ansible-playbook boot.yml


$ ansible master -a "kubectl get nodes"
master_node | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
NAME          STATUS    AGE
kube-head     Ready     44s
kube-node-1   Ready     5s
kube-node-2   Ready     5s

Launch your network:

$ kubectl apply -f https://git.io/weave-kube

And check that your DNS pod gets in a Running state.


An Ansible playbook to create a k8s cluster on CentOS 7.1 using kubeadm bootstrapping.

License:Apache License 2.0