uzysjung / UzysImageCropper

An alternative to the UIImagePickerController editor with extended features.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Image is displaying in zooming mode.

laxmanrizecorp opened this issue · comments

When a select the image in library or take photo the image is full of zooming mode open in cropping section. Image display in the full screen width. I need to display the image in non zooming mode.

You don't need Zoom Action . remove 'zoomAction' method

I think he needs Zoom Action, but he don't want to full zoomed image at crop screen like me. I changed UzysImageCropper.m line63:
from=> _imageScale = 310/cropSize.width ;
to => _imageScale = 310/_inputImage.size.width ;

works for me. Sorry about my English

Thanks EmreYanik89