uxsoft / AppleWirelessKeyboard

Windows companion application for the Apple Wireless Keyboard which makes Fn and Eject keys work

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Windows 7 workaround for not working after wake

evrenesat opened this issue · comments


Thank you for this app, thanks to it, I'm able to use my lovely keyboard with not so lovely W7 work machine.
But I'm having a problem with waking up from sleep/hibernate, it's not working :) I've created a script to kill and re-run it after wakeups but this time it's starting with different (default) keybindings. What can I do to fix this issue?

taskkill /im AppleWirelessKeyboard.exe /f
ping -n 1 -w 1000 >nul
start /D C:\Users\evren\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0\EXPH9J7B.Q80\CXKTN97D.BRD\appl..tion_038ac0689259fd87_0003.0000_2b8772d2ad35388f\

I've re-configured after it's restarted by that script, now it works ok.