uxmal / reko

Reko is a binary decompiler.

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Bug: Loop variable adding ptr offset to value

Elthial opened this issue · comments

It appears a [BP -2h] is not being declared inside a If scope and then from that point forward the [BP -2h] starts causing FP-EvenNum errors in the code as Reko loses tracking on that base pointer offset.

Incorrect Reko HL:

int16 wLoc0E_824 = 0x00;
            if (ds->ptr5416->a3954[wLoc0E_824] != 0x00)
                Eq_11130 wLoc28_826 = 0x33;
                    //// Notice how this is an empty do loop? 
                    ///This by context should be setting indexed variables or incrementing a counter
                    Eq_11130 v39_295 = (word16) wLoc28_826 + 1;
                    wLoc28_826 = v39_295;
                } while (v39_295 <= 0x55);
            int16 v40_302 = wLoc0E_824 + 0x01;
            wLoc0E_824 = v40_302;
        } while (v40_302 < 0x04);

I've read the ASM and think it should be:
(Which makes sense, its cycling through damaged locations on a vehicle checking for a component (0x22) as part of a repair function)

[bp -2h] = 0x00;
int16 wLoc0E_824 = 0x00;
            if (ds->ptr5416->a3954[wLoc0E_824] != 0x00)
                Eq_11130 wLoc28_826 = 0x33;
                    if (ds->ptr5412->tC918[wLoc28_826] = 0x22)
						[bp -2h]++

                    Eq_11130 v39_295 = (word16) wLoc28_826 + 1;
                    wLoc28_826 = v39_295;
                } while (v39_295 <= 0x55);
            int16 v40_302 = wLoc0E_824 + 0x01;
            wLoc0E_824 = v40_302;
        } while (v40_302 < 0x04);


0DAB:0259 83 7E FA 02 cmp word ptr [bp-6h],2h
0DAB:025D 7D 03 jge 0262h
0DAB:025F E9 BD 00 jmp 031Fh
0DAB:0262 C7 46 FE 00 00 mov word ptr [bp-2h],0h
0DAB:0267 C7 46 F4 00 00 mov word ptr [bp-0Ch],0h
0DAB:026C 8B 5E F4 mov bx,[bp-0Ch]
0DAB:026F D1 E3 shl bx,1h
0DAB:0271 8E 06 16 54 mov es,[5416h]
0DAB:0275 26 83 BF 54 39 00 cmp word ptr es:[bx+3954h],0h
0DAB:027B 74 28 jz 02A5h
0DAB:027D C7 46 DA 33 00 mov word ptr [bp-26h],33h
0DAB:0282 B8 7D 00 mov ax,7Dh
0DAB:0285 F7 6E F4 imul word ptr [bp-0Ch]
0DAB:0288 8B D8 mov bx,ax
0DAB:028A 03 5E DA add bx,[bp-26h]
0DAB:028D 8E 06 12 54 mov es,[5412h]
0DAB:0291 26 80 BF 18 C9 22 cmp byte ptr es:[bx+0C918h],22h
0DAB:0297 75 03 jnz 029Ch
0DAB:0299 FF 46 FE inc word ptr [bp-2h]
0DAB:029C FF 46 DA inc word ptr [bp-26h]
0DAB:029F 83 7E DA 55 cmp word ptr [bp-26h],55h
0DAB:02A3 7E DD jle 0282h
0DAB:02A5 FF 46 F4 inc word ptr [bp-0Ch]
0DAB:02A8 83 7E F4 04 cmp word ptr [bp-0Ch],4h

[[reko::address("0800:0E4B")]] void Graphical_Operations_0E4B();

Has the same issue / similar issue.
I noticed the first for loop seemed to added the ptr to the variable value.

Eq_2294 wLoc4E_1120 = 17142;             //<----- Should be 0x00
        ds->ptr53B2->*wLoc4E_1120 = 0x00;
        Eq_2294 v15_39 = (word16) wLoc4E_1120 + 1;
        wLoc4E_1120 = v15_39;
    } while (v15_39 < 48418);         //<---- Should be 0x18


0800:0E8A C7 46 B4 00 00 mov word ptr [bp-4Ch],0h
0800:0E8F 8B 5E B4 mov bx,[bp-4Ch]
0800:0E92 8E 06 B2 53 mov es,[53B2h]
0800:0E96 26 C6 87 F6 42 00 mov byte ptr es:[bx+42F6h],0h
0800:0E9C FF 46 B4 inc word ptr [bp-4Ch]
0800:0E9F 83 7E B4 18 cmp word ptr [bp-4Ch],18h

Okay, Pretty sure I know what the bug is:

	const unsigned short TerrainOffSet = 0x07A4;
		if ((ds->ptr53C8->*(TerrainGridLocation + TerrainOffSet) & 0x80) != 0x00) //Memory ref: [246C:07A4]
			Bool_HasMech = 0x00;
	} while (TerrainGridLocation < 0x09);

ASM: (0800:4D57)

mov word ptr [bp-4h],1h
mov word ptr [bp-2h],0h
mov bx,[bp-2h]
mov es,[53C8h]
test byte ptr es:[bx+7A4h],80h
jz 4D80h
mov word ptr [bp-4h],0h
inc word ptr [bp-2h]
cmp word ptr [bp-2h],9h

Reko is definitely rolling the ptr offset backwards into the start value.
Cmp then is still valid (in this case) +1. (Less than 9 but range difference is 10)

I can see why that might happen as an optimisation but it makes it human readability worse as they are then non-human values. Perhaps leaving it as two statements + Offset instead of merging the Offset into the

I'll see if I can analysis the procedure decompilation to find where it starts going off-track.