uxchecklist / uxchecklist.github.io

ux project checklist

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Move sovesove/uxchecklist into this organization

Neustradamus opened this issue · comments

@sovesove: Can you move this original code into uxchecklist organization?

Steps to do:

  • Create a temporary org, for example uxchecklist-temp
  • Transfer uxchecklist/uxchecklist.github.io into uxchecklist-temp
  • Transfer your sovesove/uxchecklist into uxchecklist
  • Transfer uxchecklist-temp/uxchecklist.github.io in your personal account
  • Remove the uxchecklist-temp temporary org
  • Merge the code in the main repository and all branches
  • Create a new temporary repo: sovesove/uxchecklist-issues
  • Transfer all issues from sovesove/uxchecklist into sovesove/uxchecklist-issues
  • Transfer sovesove/uxchecklist-issues into uxchecklist org
  • Transfer all issues from uxchecklist/uxchecklist-issues into uxchecklist/uxchecklist
  • Rename uxchecklist/uxchecklist to uxchecklist/uxchecklist.github.io
  • Delete uxchecklist/uxchecklist-issues
  • Archive or delete sovesove/uxchecklist.github.io

It will be perfect now, no lost, redirections will be here :)

Hi @Neustradamus thank you for this. I'm not sure I can understand what problems is this trying to solve, can you add more details? It feels like a laborious process :)

@sovesove: "uxchecklist/uxchecklist.github.io
forked from sovesove/uxchecklist"


Forks are not really good....

The goal is to have this repo like the main source.

I can do it in few minutes if you give me temporary all rights.
I have already done for several projects without any problems.

Thank you @Neustradamus. To be honest I don't see an issue with it that would justify the work.
Unfortunately I'm not open to share all the rights to it.

Thank you for your input.