uwdata / living-papers

Authoring tools for scholarly communication. Create interactive web pages or formal research papers from markdown source.

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feature request: compile only some output formats

joshuahhh opened this issue · comments

LaTeX output is slow, so I'd like a way to only compile HTML output as I'm writing. I can comment out the "latex" section in the metadata, but this clobbers my collaborators' environments. It would be nicer if there were a command-line argument to specify (as an override) which output formats I want – or something like that.

I agree this would be helpful. Any thoughts on command line syntax?

For example, maybe something like this?

lpub —suppress-output=latex [file]

That sounds fine!

Or the positive form: lpub --output=html [file]?

Or the unnecessarily galaxy-brain alternative: lpub --patch-meta='[{"op": "remove", "path": "/output/latex"}]'? (That's a JSON Patch spec for modifying the document's meta block. Totally general! Galactically brained!)

Related anecdote -- I just found myself setting minify: true in HTML options in order to speed up compilation. Another temporary dev-mode setting!