uwdata / arquero

Query processing and transformation of array-backed data tables.

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Silly problem when using istanbul with real arrow functions

richtera opened this issue · comments

When instrumenting code for code coverage there will be additional operations injected into real arrow functions associated with derive. Since derive doesn't support SequenceExpressions this causes a weird error, that has really no solutions other than either rewriting the code using symbolic string expressions or excluding the whole file from code coverage. I am wondering if by default SequenceExpressions could just be evaluated as the last Expression in the list or maybe some hook to override the functionality of SequenceExpressions?

Ref https://docs.cypress.io/guides/tooling/code-coverage#Using-NYC
The instrumentation will put additional ++someglobal[LINE] into the code so when toString() looks at the arrow function it will see additional ++ operation inside of the code segment before parsing it and generating a SequenceExpression.