uutils / coreutils

Cross-platform Rust rewrite of the GNU coreutils

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cksum: `--check` is vulnerable, doesn't actually check

BenWiederhake opened this issue · comments

Since #6256, we accept -c, and callers think that we actually verify the checksum of some files. However, we always exit with 0, yielding obvious false-positives like this:

$ cargo run -q cksum -a md5 /dev/null # Setup
MD5 (/dev/null) = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
$ cat <<EOF >foo.sums # More setup
> MD5 (/dev/null) = d400000000000000000000000000007e
$ cksum -a md5 -c foo.sums # Should reject
/dev/null: FAILED
cksum: WARNING: 1 computed checksum did NOT match
[$? = 1]
$ cargo run -q cksum -a md5 -c foo.sums # But we accept?!
MD5 (foo.sums) = 396bec11fe90bdaf047158984c99546c

This is a bad situation. Let's either actually support -c or not support it, but "accepting the argument and ignoring it" is a security disaster waiting to happen. This is already planned to be fixed, and perhaps even partially finished. This issue exists because I'm paranoid that we might still somehow forget to do it :D