utsengar / cp-week2-p1

A todo list app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


utsengar opened this issue · comments

Hi @timothy1ee

Done with the todo app. Couldn't complete the parse integration, used NSUserDefaults to store user data. The mandatory user stories are done though.


Good job! The point of this homework was to explore how to work with a UITableView with embedded controls, which is a very common use case. Below is the checklist I went through when reviewing your application.

  • Custom cell with UITextView. You can either design this using prototype cells or a nib.
  • The custom cell should have the Auto Layout constraints for the UITextView.
  • The table view controller is responsible for keeping track of the UITextViews and keeping them synced with the todo items.
  • The table view controller should have dynamically adjusted the row height based on the contents of the UITextView
  • For this simple system, persistence could have been implemented using Core Data, NSUserDefaults, or the file system.