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Unable to Install macOS 15.0 Sequioa Developer Preview 1 - Error "A software update is required to install macOS"

toru173 opened this issue · comments

When attempting to create a new virtual machine using the macOS Sequoia DP1 ipsw downloaded from the Apple Developer website, an error message is displayed indicating a software update is required. This update fails as the file is not available for download.

Note that my device is not enrolled in the developer program.


  • UTM Version: 4.5.3
  • macOS Version: 14.5
  • Mac Chip (Intel, M1, ...): M2

Crash log

Debug log

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Additional Information
The macOS Sequoia ipsw downloaded was from https://updates.cdn-apple.com/2024SummerSeed/fullrestores/052-49083/ED8F54D6-A7BF-488A-85E5-617E08C41383/UniversalMac_15.0_24A5264n_Restore.ipsw

To resolve this issue, I downloaded Xcode 16 Beta (https://developer.apple.com/services-account/download?path=/Developer_Tools/Xcode_16_beta/Xcode_16_beta.xip), extracted it, and installed the Beta MobileDevice framework from within the application. This is at ../Xcode-beta.app/Contents/Resources/Packages/MobileDevice.pkg

Once installed I was able to create a VM with the ipsw with no further issues

In the short term, this should help those that want to play with the beta. Longer term, perhaps UTM could fail more gracefully if the MobileDeviceUpdater fails?

Edit: corrected path to MobileDevice.pkg


Going from previous experience you probably need to be on macOS 15 to install a macOS 15 vm

I haven't thoroughly tested it, but I'm at the desktop with a 15.0 guest in a 14.5 host - though I agree that it's probably not a great idea to run a guest that might expect features of Virtualization.framework that the host might not support. This was more an informational Issue to help others that might be trying to use UTM the same way I am.

i just get this works by download xcode 16 beta: https://developer.apple.com/download/all/?q=Xcode

I there a way to revert back MobileDevice.pkg to the old non-Beta one after?

i just get this works by download xcode 16 beta: https://developer.apple.com/download/all/?q=Xcode

Wow, thanks a lot! This helped me also get a VM up in Parallels.

i just get this works by download xcode 16 beta: https://developer.apple.com/download/all/?q=Xcode

Glad my suggestion worked for you!

I there a way to revert back MobileDevice.pkg to the old non-Beta one after?

It wasn’t something I attempted. Apple released an update to MobileDevice about a month ago, so you could pull that from sucatalog and try reinstalling it, or alternatively getting it from the current Xcode. I don’t use the restore subsystem on this machine for anything except VMs, so it wasn’t a big concern for me.

i just get this works by download xcode 16 beta: https://developer.apple.com/download/all/?q=Xcode

Glad my suggestion worked for you!

What didn't work, was using my existing AppleID (or even creating a new one). I know, this was a Limitation of VMs, but thought this is fixed now and should no longer be an issue,

What didn't work, was using my existing AppleID (or even creating a new one). I know, this was a Limitation of VMs, but thought this is fixed now and should no longer be an issue,

Are you testing on a 15.0 host? Nothing in the release notes seemed to indicate big updates to Virtualization.framework, and it’s my understanding that it is a limitation of this framework that prevents it (https://khronokernel.com/macos/2023/08/18/AS-VM-SERIAL.html#icloud-os-betas-and-kernel-collections gives a good deep dive).

It’s a real pity because my current work involves testing DEP OOB setup. UTM’s fast cloning and VM management GUI is otherwise perfect, I just wish I could test pre-user-setup steps!

Yes, using the MacOS 15 Beta. According to https://developer.apple.com/documentation/virtualization/using_icloud_with_macos_virtual_machines/ iCloud should now work. I guess Parallels (or whatever VM-Software one uses) needs to update their Software to support this…

Yes, using the MacOS 15 Beta. According to https://developer.apple.com/documentation/virtualization/using_icloud_with_macos_virtual_machines/ iCloud should now work. I guess Parallels (or whatever VM-Software one uses) needs to update their Software to support this…

Great find! Are you running a 15.0 guest in a 15.0 host? My read of the documentation is that it should automatically work. This could make my day so much more productive!

No, i run the VM on MacOS 14.5. My whole point in using the VM is not having to install Beta Versions on my Mac…

The documentation says the host and the guest need to be 15.0 or later, not just the guest.

I’m the same. There are a lot of improvements, but I can’t upgrade my main machine to a beta OS!


The documentation says the host and the guest need to be 15.0 or later, not just the guest.

I’m the same. There are a lot of improvements, but I can’t upgrade my main machine to a beta OS!

@toru173 :
#6418 (comment)

Granted, it means having beta Xcode on your main machine, but if I interpret your comment correctly, that may not be an issue for you.