utkarshkukreti / markup.rs

A blazing fast, type-safe template engine for Rust.

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Hyphenated attributes throw "error: expected `=`"

niallrr opened this issue · comments


Hyphenated attributes produce the following error. This is important for being able to use Bootstrap.

button [
    class="btn btn-circle btn-dual-secondary d-lg-none align-v-r",
        i [class="fa fa-times text-danger"]

Throws the error

error: expected `=`
   --> src/t_base.rs:115:29
115 |                         data-toggle="layout",

Just found a workaround


Hi, yes, that's the right way. Proc macros in Rust work with Rust tokens, so there's no way to distinguish between data - toggle = "layout" and data-toggle = "layout", which is why I allow string literals on the left of =.


@utkarshkukreti Is there a similar way to output a hyphenated element?

my-custom-element#id.class {

Currently gives error expected expression pointing at the @content. This is important for custom elements.