ustroetz / python-osrm

A Python wrapper around the OSRM API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

fix for #56

hannesaddec opened this issue · comments

instead of reverting to older version - please consider following changes to - seems i can not open a PR

-- coding: utf-8 --

import numpy as np
import polyline # from polyline.codec import PolylineCodec

from polyline import encode as polyline_encode

from pandas import DataFrame
from . import RequestConfig

from urllib.request import urlopen, Request
from urllib.parse import quote
from urllib2 import urlopen, Request
from urllib2 import quote

from osgeo.ogr import Geometry
from ogr import Geometry

import json

def _chain(*lists):
for li in lists:
for elem in li:
yield elem

def check_host(host):
""" Helper function to get the hostname in desired format """
if not ('http' in host and '//' in host) and host[len(host)-1] == '/':
return ''.join(['http://', host[:len(host)-1]])
elif not ('http' in host and '//' in host):
return ''.join(['http://', host])
elif host[len(host)-1] == '/':
return host[:len(host)-1]
return host

def match(points, steps=False, overview="simplified", geometry="polyline",
timestamps=None, radius=None, annotations="false", gaps="split",
tidy=False, waypoints=None, url_config=RequestConfig):
Function wrapping OSRM 'match' function, returning the reponse in JSON


points : list of tuple/list of point
    A sequence of points as (x ,y) where x is longitude and y is latitude.
steps : bool, optional
    Default is False.
overview : str, optional
    Query for the geometry overview, either "simplified", "full" or "false"
    (Default: "simplified")
geometry : str, optional
    Format in which decode the geometry, either "polyline" (ie. not decoded),
    "geojson", "WKT" or "WKB" (default: "polyline").
timestamps : list of timestamp, optional
radius : list of float, optional
annotations : bool, optional
gaps : str, optional
tidy : bool, optional
waypoints : list of tuple/list of point, optional
url_config : osrm.RequestConfig, optional
    Parameters regarding the host, version and profile to use

    The response from the osrm instance, parsed as a dict
host = check_host(

url = [
    host, '/match/', url_config.version, '/', url_config.profile, '/',
        [','.join([str(coord[0]), str(coord[1])]) for coord in points]),
       .format(overview, str(steps).lower(), geometry, annotations, gaps, str(tidy).lower())

if radius:
    url.append(";".join([str(rad) for rad in radius]))
if timestamps:
    url.append(";".join([str(timestamp) for timestamp in timestamps]))
if waypoints:
    url.append(";".join([str(waypoint) for waypoint in waypoints]))

req = Request("".join(url))
if url_config.auth:
    req.add_header("Authorization", url_config.auth)
r = urlopen(req)
r_json = json.loads('utf-8'))
if "code" not in r_json or "Ok" not in r_json["code"]:
    if 'matchings' in r_json.keys():
        for i, _ in enumerate(r_json['matchings']):
            geom_encoded = r_json["matchings"][i]["geometry"]
            geom_decoded = [[point[1] / 10.0,
                             point[0] / 10.0] for point
                            in polyline.decode(geom_encoded)]
            r_json["matchings"][i]["geometry"] = geom_decoded
        print('No matching geometry to decode')
return r_json

def decode_geom(encoded_polyline):
Function decoding an encoded polyline (with 'encoded polyline
algorithm') and returning an ogr.Geometry object

encoded_polyline : str
    The encoded string to decode.

line : ogr.Geometry
    The line geometry, as an ogr.Geometry instance.
ma_ligne = Geometry(2)
lineAddPts = ma_ligne.AddPoint_2D
for coord in polyline.decode(encoded_polyline):
    lineAddPts(coord[1], coord[0])
return ma_ligne

def simple_route(coord_origin, coord_dest, coord_intermediate=None,
alternatives=False, steps=False, output="full",
geometry='polyline', overview="simplified",
annotations='true', continue_straight='default',
url_config=RequestConfig, send_as_polyline=True):
Function wrapping OSRM 'viaroute' function and returning the JSON reponse
with the route_geometry decoded (in WKT or WKB) if needed.


coord_origin : list/tuple of two floats
    (x ,y) where x is longitude and y is latitude
coord_dest : list/tuple of two floats
    (x ,y) where x is longitude and y is latitude
coord_intermediate : list of 2-floats list/tuple
    [(x ,y), (x, y), ...] where x is longitude and y is latitude
alternatives : bool, optional
    Query (and resolve geometry if asked) for alternatives routes
    (default: False)
output : str, optional
    Define the type of output (full response or only route(s)), default : "full".
geometry : str, optional
    Format in which decode the geometry, either "polyline" (ie. not decoded),
    "geojson", "WKT" or "WKB" (default: "polyline").
annotations : str, optional
continue_straight : str, optional
overview : str, optional
    Query for the geometry overview, either "simplified", "full" or "false"
    (Default: "simplified")
url_config : osrm.RequestConfig, optional
    Parameters regarding the host, version and profile to use

result : dict
    The result, parsed as a dict, with the geometry decoded in the format
    defined in `geometry`.
if geometry.lower() not in ('wkt', 'well-known-text', 'text', 'polyline',
                            'wkb', 'well-known-binary', 'geojson'):
    raise ValueError("Invalid output format")
    geom_request = "geojson" if "geojson" in geometry.lower() \
        else "polyline"

host = check_host(

if not send_as_polyline:
    url = [host, "/route/", url_config.version, "/", url_config.profile,
           "/", "{},{}".format(coord_origin[0], coord_origin[1]), ';']

    if coord_intermediate:
            [','.join([str(i), str(j)]) for i, j in coord_intermediate]))

        '{},{}'.format(coord_dest[0], coord_dest[1]),
             overview, str(steps).lower(),
             str(alternatives).lower(), geom_request, annotations,
    coords = [
        pt[::-1] for pt in _chain(
                    coord_intermediate if coord_intermediate else [],
    url = [
        host, "/route/", url_config.version, "/", url_config.profile, "/",
        "polyline(", quote(polyline.encode(coords)), ")",
             overview, str(steps).lower(),
             str(alternatives).lower(), geom_request, annotations,
req = Request("".join(url))
if url_config.auth:
    req.add_header("Authorization", url_config.auth)
rep = urlopen(req)
parsed_json = json.loads('utf-8'))

if "Ok" in parsed_json['code']:
    if geometry in ("polyline", "geojson") and output == "full":
        return parsed_json
    elif geometry in ("polyline", "geojson") and output == "routes":
        return parsed_json["routes"]
        if geometry == "wkb":
            func = Geometry.ExportToWkb
        elif geometry == "wkt":
            func = Geometry.ExportToWkt

        for route in parsed_json["routes"]:
            route["geometry"] = func(decode_geom(route["geometry"]))
    return parsed_json if output == "full" else parsed_json["routes"]

    raise ValueError(
        'Error - OSRM status : {} \n Full json reponse : {}'.format(
            parsed_json['code'], parsed_json))

def table(coords_src, coords_dest=None,
ids_origin=None, ids_dest=None,
output='np', minutes=False, annotations='duration',
url_config=RequestConfig, send_as_polyline=True):
Function wrapping OSRM 'table' function in order to get a matrix of
time distance as a numpy array or as a DataFrame


coords_src : list
    A list of coord as (longitude, latitude) , like :
         list_coords = [(21.3224, 45.2358),
                        (21.3856, 42.0094),
                        (20.9574, 41.5286)] (coords have to be float)
coords_dest : list, optional
    A list of coord as (longitude, latitude) , like :
         list_coords = [(21.3224, 45.2358),
                        (21.3856, 42.0094),
                        (20.9574, 41.5286)] (coords have to be float)
ids_origin : list, optional
    A list of name/id to use to label the source axis of
    the result `DataFrame` (default: None).
ids_dest : list, optional
    A list of name/id to use to label the destination axis of
    the result `DataFrame` (default: None).
output : str, optional
        The type of annotated matrice to return (DataFrame or numpy array)
            'raw' for the (parsed) json response from OSRM
            'pandas', 'df' or 'DataFrame' for a DataFrame
            'numpy', 'array' or 'np' for a numpy array (default is "np")
annotations : str, optional
    Either 'duration' (default) or 'distance'
url_config: osrm.RequestConfig, optional
    Parameters regarding the host, version and profile to use

    - if output=='raw' : a dict, the parsed json response.
    - if output=='np' : a numpy.ndarray containing the time in minutes,
                        a list of snapped origin coordinates,
                        a list of snapped destination coordinates.
    - if output=='pandas' : a labeled DataFrame containing the time matrix in minutes,
                            a list of snapped origin coordinates,
                            a list of snapped destination coordinates.
if output.lower() in ('numpy', 'array', 'np'):
    output = 1
elif output.lower() in ('pandas', 'dataframe', 'df'):
    output = 2
    output = 3

host = check_host(
url = ''.join(
    [host, '/table/', url_config.version, '/', url_config.profile, '/'])

if not send_as_polyline:
    if not coords_dest:
        url = ''.join([
              ';'.join([','.join([str(coord[0]), str(coord[1])])
                        for coord in coords_src]),
        src_end = len(coords_src)
        dest_end = src_end + len(coords_dest)
        url = ''.join([
            ';'.join([','.join([str(coord[0]), str(coord[1])])
                      for coord in _chain(coords_src, coords_dest)]),
            ';'.join([str(i) for i in range(src_end)]),
            ';'.join([str(j) for j in range(src_end, dest_end)]),
    if not coords_dest:
        url = ''.join([
              quote(polyline.encode([(c[1], c[0]) for c in coords_src])),
        src_end = len(coords_src)
        dest_end = src_end + len(coords_dest)
        url = ''.join([
                [(c[1], c[0]) for c in _chain(coords_src, coords_dest)])),
            ';'.join([str(i) for i in range(src_end)]),
            ';'.join([str(j) for j in range(src_end, dest_end)]),

req = Request(url)
if url_config.auth:
    req.add_header("Authorization", url_config.auth)
rep = urlopen(req)
parsed_json = json.loads('utf-8'))

if "code" not in parsed_json or "Ok" not in parsed_json["code"]:
    raise ValueError('No distance table return by OSRM instance')

elif output == 3:
    return parsed_json

    annoted = np.array(parsed_json['{}s'.format(annotations)], dtype=float)

    new_src_coords = [ft["location"] for ft in parsed_json["sources"]]
    new_dest_coords = None if not coords_dest \
        else [ft["location"] for ft in parsed_json["destinations"]]

    if minutes and annotations == 'duration':  # Conversion in minutes with 2 decimals:
        annoted = np.around((annoted / 60), 2)

    if output == 2:
        if not ids_origin:
            ids_origin = [i for i in range(len(coords_src))]
        if not ids_dest:
            ids_dest = ids_origin if not coords_dest \
                else [i for i in range(len(coords_dest))]

        annoted = DataFrame(annoted,

    return annoted, new_src_coords, new_dest_coords

def nearest(coord, number=1, url_config=RequestConfig):
Useless function wrapping OSRM 'nearest' function,
returning the reponse in JSON

coord : list/tuple of two floats
    (x ,y) where x is longitude and y is latitude
number : int, optional
url_config : osrm.RequestConfig, optional
    Parameters regarding the host, version and profile to use

result : dict
    The response from the osrm instance, parsed as a dict
host = check_host(
url = ''.join([
    host, '/nearest/', url_config.version, '/', url_config.profile, '/',
     ','.join(map(str, coord)), '?number={}'.format(number)

req = Request(url)
if url_config.auth:
    req.add_header("Authorization", url_config.auth)
rep = urlopen(req)
parsed_json = json.loads('utf-8'))
return parsed_json

def trip(coords, steps=False, output="full",
geometry='polyline', overview="simplified",
roundtrip=True, source="any", destination="any",
annotations="false", url_config=RequestConfig, send_as_polyline=True):
Function wrapping OSRM 'trip' function and returning the JSON reponse
with the route_geometry decoded (in WKT or WKB) if needed.

coord_origin : list/tuple of two floats
    (x ,y) where x is longitude and y is latitude
steps : bool, default False
output : str, default 'full'
    Define the type of output (full response or only route(s))
geometry : str, optional
    Format in which decode the geometry, either "polyline" (ie. not decoded),
    "geojson", "WKT" or "WKB" (default: "polyline").
overview : str, optional
    Query for the geometry overview, either "simplified", "full" or "false"
    (Default: "simplified")
roundtrip : bool, optional
source : str, optional
destination : str, optional
annotations : str, optional
url_config : osrm.RequestConfig, optional
    Parameters regarding the host, version and profile to use

    - if 'only_index' : a dict containing respective indexes
                        of trips and waypoints
    - if 'raw' : the original json returned by OSRM
    - if 'WKT' : the json returned by OSRM with the 'route_geometry' converted
                 in WKT format
    - if 'WKB' : the json returned by OSRM with the 'route_geometry' converted
                 in WKB format
if geometry.lower() not in ('wkt', 'well-known-text', 'text', 'polyline',
                            'wkb', 'well-known-binary', 'geojson'):
    raise ValueError("Invalid output format")
    geom_request = "geojson" if "geojson" in geometry.lower() \
        else "polyline"

host = check_host(

coords_request = \
             quote(polyline.encode([(c[1], c[0]) for c in coords])),
             ')']) \
    if send_as_polyline \
    else ';'.join([','.join([str(c[0]), str(c[1])]) for c in coords])

url = ''.join([
     host, '/trip/', url_config.version, '/', url_config.profile, '/',

req = Request(url)
if url_config.auth:
    req.add_header("Authorization", url_config.auth)
rep = urlopen(req)
parsed_json = json.loads('utf-8'))

if "Ok" in parsed_json['code']:
    if "only_index" in output:
        return [
            {"waypoint": i["waypoint_index"], "trip": i["trips_index"]}
            for i in parsed_json['waypoints']
    if geometry in ("polyline", "geojson") and output == "full":
        return parsed_json
    elif geometry in ("polyline", "geojson") and output == "trip":
        return parsed_json["trips"]
        func = Geometry.ExportToWkb if geometry == "wkb" \
            else Geometry.ExportToWkt

        for trip_route in parsed_json["trips"]:
            trip_route["geometry"] = func(decode_geom(

    return parsed_json if output == "full" else parsed_json["routes"]

    raise ValueError(
        'Error - OSRM status : {} \n Full json reponse : {}'
        .format(parsed_json['code'], parsed_json))

@hannesaddec Thank you for suggesting a change. What issue do you have opening a PR?