ustitc / git-rules

Git commit message rules

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Git commit message rules

In Russian

Inspired by


Verbs to use in commit messages:

  • Add - Add new feature/functionality.
  • Remove - Remove feature/functionality. E.g. "Remove an ability to delete messages", "Remove search ranking logic".
  • Change - Change existing feature/functionality. E.g. "Change the color of Sign Up button", "Change authorization logic. Use sessions instead of tokens".
  • Bump - Increase the version of library/module. E.g. "Bump ktor version".
  • Fix - Fix bug/typo.
  • Move - Change file/directory place. E.g. "Move domain package to project root".
  • Enable - Turn on feature/feature-flag. E.g. "Enable FF-45", "Enable main page pagination".
  • Disable - Turn off feature/feature-flag. E.g. "Diable FF-45", "Disable main page pagination".
  • Implement - Add implementation for interface/function. E.g. "Implement UserFactory", "Implement function "createMessage()".
  • Separate - Move part of functionality to another class/file. E.g. "Separate home page for guest and logged in users", "Separate booking logic on Order and Booking classes".
  • Merge - Move parts of functionality to single class/file. E.g. "Merge controllers in RestAPI class".
  • Document - Add description for code/process. E.g. "Document ci/cd", "Document app configuration".
  • Rename - Change class/file name. E.g. "Rename class Users to UserRepository".
  • Translate - Add documentation in another language. E.g. "Translate Readme into Russian".


Git commit message rules