ushahidi / tenfour

API For TenFour

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Email Campaign to Promote New TenFour Release

CeciliaHinga opened this issue · comments

From tenfour-archive created by ASalkever: ushahidi/tenfour-archive#1461

  • Copy for email
  • Push into list manager
  • Send email (Nat?)

@caharding - here's the lang. You can also use it in the blog post. Once you accept suggestions LMK so I can dive back in and clean up some.

So much tighter! Thank you Alex.

Thanks! I can do the mailer.

@caharding - how did this mailer do? Sorry - may have been discussed in Slack.

Just sent out, Ill let you know.

@caharding - I can reread this one more time (I will tomorrow) but I think it's ready to go. Who on your team does the email mailers? Might be faster to do that rather than have me learning your tools and possibly messing stuff up.