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RequestSchema constructor fails silently on bad filename

StrykeSlammerII opened this issue · comments

Current Behavior:

Sending an invalid filename to new RequestSchema($path); appears to result in an empty Schema.
(There should be a warning in the PHP error log, but I'm unable to confirm this right now.)

The presenting issue in chat was $transformer->transform returning an unexpected blank array, due to a bad path or filename in the $schema sent to $transformer.

Expected Behavior:

The UF docs use a bad filename as an example of a runtime error.
UF should catch this and throw a runtime error, as PHP appears to treat this with just a warning.


If I'm reading the code correctly, the RequestSchema constructor uses file_get_contents($path). Per, An E_WARNING level error is generated if filename cannot be found.
That warning doesn't seem to be caught by UF, so it should just end up in the PHP error log.

I'm surprised that PHP only creates an E_WARNING here, but that's outside this project's scope.

I'm currently having some troubles with my PHP error log, and getting intermittent UF error-renderer failures as well. Potentially this error should be more visible and I simply have something additional broken.

Possible Solutions:

  1. If this is "working as-intended", I'll be happy to add a note to the Learn repository as a clue for others.
  2. Additional error-handling could be added to new RequestSchema($path); to escalate this up from E_WARNING to something more noticeable.
  3. Possibly I'm misreading the code and my UF error handler is more broken than I realize. If new RequestSchema('schema://BadDirectory/ThisIsNotARealFile.yaml'); shows an error rather than failing silently, feel free to close this and I will fix my install instead :)

file_get_contents should return false :

The function returns the read data or false on failure.

Which should throw an exception in YamlFileLoader

You could test it manually using

$loader = new YamlFileLoader('BadDirectory/ThisIsNotARealFile.yaml');
$items = $loader->load();

and post the result.

I think RequestSchema should load with the $skipMissing flag as false here :

$skipMissing is true by default here :

And won't throw an exception here :

Moving it to false would be a big change that could impact other system though. I should probably test for this situation on the V5 branch.

Per, An E_WARNING level error is generated if filename cannot be found. That warning doesn't seem to be caught by UF, so it should just end up in the PHP error log.

FYI, most PHP install will suppress E_WARNING by default. try/catch doesn't work because a warning is not an exception, so there's no way to handle this, only the false return type.

I fixed this in userfrosting/framework@4bfc0fc on the V5 branch. A FileNotFoundException will be thrown if the path is not found, as shown in new test. Note the path can still be null without an exception being thrown.

I don't plan on fixing for V4, but a PR would be considered.