Urunov / High-Performance-Java-Persistence

Mapping, Data structure, database, oracle, mysql, sql, nosql, onetoone, onetomany, manytomany, jdbc, jpa, API, ORM

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High-Performance-Java-Persistence: Projects and Architecture Design. Database Stuructes and Connectivity


Session-1 and 2. Fundamental ORM && JDBC and Database Essentials

Mapping, Data structure, database, oracle, mysql, sql, nosql, onetoone, onetomany, manytomany, jdbc, jpa, API, Orm

Just like the unidirectional @OneToMany relationship can be optimized by allowing the child-side to control this association, the @ManyToMany mapping can be transformed so that the junction table is mapped to an entity.

Screen Shot 2020-10-08 at 11 55 25 AM

Online Market Project: Figure -1. Real Database Stucture.

Screen Shot 2020-09-19 at 10 24 02 PM

Most Online market project has been complated database stucture and Spring Boot.

Session-3. Load Balancing Teorical and Implementation practical

Session-4. Market Project (Database Mapping and GraphQL API stucture design)

  • Total all arguments included
  • No security added
  • GraphQL API

Session-5. Market Project (Database Mapping and REST API stucture design)

  • Total all arguments included
  • No security added
  • Restfull API

Updated Database Schema and Using GraphQL API implementation. Product and Coupong (@ManyToOne) integration. Screen Shot 2020-10-14 at 5 59 58 PM


  1. High-Performance-Java-Persistence

Most Recommend Materials for Reading

  1. Top 5 Books to Learn Hibernate and JPA for Java Developer
  2. My favorite courses to learn Software Architecture in 2020 — Best of Lot
  3. 25 Software Design Interview Questions to Crack Any Programming and Technical Interviews


Mapping, Data structure, database, oracle, mysql, sql, nosql, onetoone, onetomany, manytomany, jdbc, jpa, API, ORM


Language:Java 100.0%