urishiraval / obsidian-apple-reminders-plugin

A plugin to attempt to bring Apple Reminders into Obsidian.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Create/Read Grouped Lists

jbusecke opened this issue · comments

First of all big thanks for this cool plugin! I am just experimenting with this, and had a question/request.

I love the fact that the code block in an obsidian note automatically creates a list in reminders. This is very handy for my workflow with many different projects (each of wich has notes/thoughts etc in Obsidian and any actionable item in a task manager).
Now when I adopt this with more than a few projects, I quickly get a very long number of lists in my reminder app. I wonder if there is a way to specify grouped lists. For instance it would be tremendous if something like this:

list: group/listname

or maybe more yaml conform

        - listname

would create this in reminders

(and read it too, #18 seems related)

Or maybe that is already possible and I am just getting the syntax wrong?