urishiraval / obsidian-apple-reminders-plugin

A plugin to attempt to bring Apple Reminders into Obsidian.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

All dates showing as "Invalid Date"

mjsalam opened this issue · comments


Thanks for this plugin! I am using the latest version of plugin with latest Obsidian - all tasks showing "Invalid Date" subsequently no date filtering is functioning as expected.


Hi...I've tested it now on my device and there doesn't seem to be an issue.

Could you provide more information on what laptop you're using?

The plugin uses AppleScript to fetch the data so the obsidian version shouldn't break anything usually.


Thats weird.....could you then run the following script in the Script Editor?

tell list 'list_name' in application "Reminders"
   set buffer to ((current date) - minutes * 5)
   return properties of reminders whose completion date comes after buffer or completed is false	
end tell

Where 'list_name' is the name of your list

(To open the editor just type 'Script' in spotlight and it should come up)


Also could you maybe attach a screen shot of what it looks like?