uriparser / uriparser

:hocho: Strictly RFC 3986 compliant URI parsing and handling library written in C89; moved from SourceForge to GitHub

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CMakeLists.txt uses incorrect GTest variables

wouterbeek opened this issue · comments

The documentation of the CMake package finer for GTest states that -- amongs others -- the following variables are defined:


The CMakeLists.txt file of this project uses the singular version of these variables, but these are not made available by CMake:


Because of this, this project cannot be compiled when URIPARSER_BUILD_TESTS is set to ON (the default value):

CMake Error at /usr/local/share/cmake-3.15/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:137 (message):

What I understood is:

  • GTEST_INCLUDE_DIRS is the official variable to do gtest include dir(s)
  • You have gtest >=1.8.0 installed (in a standard location or are providing CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to help CMake) but you're not able to build because CMake breaks while trying to find GTest.

What I don't get so far:

  • Why is GTEST_INCLUDE_DIR without trailing S a problem? Both CMake 3.3.0 and 3.15.0 contain lines set(GTEST_INCLUDE_DIRS ${GTEST_INCLUDE_DIR}) so the singular should be available as well
  • uriparser makes use of GTEST_BOTH_LIBRARIES not GTEST_LIBRARYGTEST_BOTH_LIBRARIES is available in both CMake 3.3.0 and 3.15.0, as well.

Any ideas?

PS: Let's see how the CI likes #81.

@hartwork You're right, this may be an issue in the Conan package for GTest which I was using to install the dependencies.

I've opened an issue there: bincrafters/community#929

Great, thank you!

With #81 merged I'll close this issue as fixed. Happy to re-open as needed.