C++ binding to Lua
Licensed under Boost Software License
- Lua 5.1 to 5.3 (recommended: 5.3)
- C++03 compiler with boost library or C++11 compiler(gcc 4.8+,clang 3.4+,MSVC2015) without boost.
Kaguya is Lua binding library for C++
- header-file only
- seamless access to lua elements
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
#include "kaguya/kaguya.hpp"
int main()
kaguya::State state;
extern "C" int luaopen_modulename(lua_State *L)
kaguya::State state(l);
kaguya::LuaRef module = state.newLib();
module["function"] = kaguya::funtion(somefunction);
return 1;//number of return lib
kaguya::State state;
state("a = 'test'");//from string
state.loadFile("path/to/luascript.lua");//from file
kaguya::State state;
state("a = \"test\"");
std::string a_value = state["a"];
assert(a_value == "test");
state["tbl"] = kaguya::NewTable();//tbl ={};
state["tbl"]["value"] = 1;//tbl.value = 1 in lua
state("assert(tbl.value == 1)");
struct ABC
ABC():v(0) {}
ABC(int value) :v(value) {}
int value()const { return v; }
void setValue(int v) { v_ = v; }
int v_;
.addMember("get_value", &ABC::value)
.addMember("set_value", &ABC::setValue)
abc = ABC.new()--call default constructor
assert(0 == abc:get_value())
abc = ABC.new(42)--call (int) constructor
assert(42 == abc:get_value())
assert(30 == abc:get_value())
struct Base
int a;
struct Derived:Base
int b;
int base_function(Base* b) {
b->a = 1;
return b->a;
kaguya::State state;
.addMember("a", &Base::a)
state["Derived"].setClass(kaguya::ClassMetatable<Derived, Base>()
.addMember("b", &Derived::b)
state["base_function"] = &base_function;
Derived derived;
state["base_function"](&derived);//Base arguments function
state("assert(1 == derived:a())");//accessing Base member
.addMember("get_value", &ABC::value)
.addMember("set_value", &ABC::setValue)
ABC abc(43);
//register object pointer
state["abc"] = &abc;
state("assert(43 == abc:get_value())");
//or copy instance
state["copy_abc"] = abc;
state("assert(43 == copy_abc:get_value())");
//or registering shared instance
state["shared_abc"] = kaguya::standard::shared_ptr<ABC>(new ABC(43));//kaguya::standard::shared_ptr is std::shared_ptr or boost::shared_ptr.
state("assert(43 == shared_abc:get_value())");
Base base;
//registering pointer. lifetime is same base
state["b"] = &base;
state["b"] = std::ref(base);
//registering copy instance. copied instance lifetime is handling in lua vm(garbage collection).
state["b"] = base;
state["b"] = static_cast<Base const&>(base);
void c_free_standing_function(int v){std::cout <<"c_free_standing_function called:" << v << std::endl}
state["fun"] = &c_free_standing_function;
state["fun"](54); //c_free_standing_function called:54
state("fun(22)");//c_free_standing_function called:22
state["lambda"] = kaguya::function([]{std::cout << "lambda called" << std::endl;});//C++11 lambda
state("lambda()");//lambda called
state["va_fun"] = kaguya::function([](kaguya::VariadicArgType arg) {for (auto v : arg) { std::cout << v.get<std::string>() << ","; }std::cout << std::endl; });//C++11 lambda
kaguya::LuaThread cor = state.newThread();
state("corfun = function(arg)"
"coroutine.yield(arg) "
"coroutine.yield(arg*2) "
"coroutine.yield(arg*3) "
"return arg*4 "
" end");//define corouine function
kaguya::LuaFunction corfun = state["corfun"];//lua function get
//exec coroutine with function and argment
std::cout << int(cor(corfun, 3)) << std::endl;//3
std::cout << int(cor()) << std::endl;//6
std::cout << int(cor()) << std::endl;//9
std::cout << int(cor()) << std::endl;//12
kaguya::LuaThread cor2 = state.newThread();
std::cout << int(cor2(corfun, 3)) << ",";