unoplatform / Uno.CodeGen

A set of source generators for equality, immutability, ...

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

B.Builder() from class B returns a class A object when B inherit from A

YGuerin opened this issue · comments

I'm submitting a...

  • Bug report (I searched for similar issues and did not find one)

Current behavior

B.Builder() from class B returns a class A object when B inherit from A

Expected behavior

B.Builder() from class B returns a class B object when B inherit from A

Minimal reproduction of the problem with instructions

Class A

public partial class ClassA
	[... some properties ...]

Class B

public partial class ClassB : ClassA
	[... some properties ...]

And call this wherever you want

var test = new ClassB.Builder()

Doesn't work because ClassB.Builder() is returning a ClassA object


Nuget Package: 5.7.0

Package Version(s): Uno.UI 3.0.11 / Uno.CodeGen 1.32.0

Affected platform(s):
- [ X ] iOS
- [ X ] Android
- [ X ] WebAssembly
- [ X ] Windows
- [ ] Build tasks

Visual Studio
- [ X ] 2019 (version: 16.7.2 )
- [ ] 2017 (version: )
- [ ] 2017 Preview (version: )
- [ ] for Mac (version: )

Relevant plugins
- [ ] Resharper (version: )