unocss / unocss

The instant on-demand atomic CSS engine.

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miaojinsing opened this issue · comments

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我在开发过程,基本是less + css module 模块化开发 混用@apply语法 这为了保持主题和风格统一很有用,请问这值得推荐吗?用的是vite + react-ts ,按照官方在开发过程中发现重复加载很多冗余的css 代码,导致浏览器调试卡顿变得很困难,而且在jsx中使用[@unocss/preset-attributify]是非常不建议的行为 ,我想移除这个preset 但配置飘红。
另外再vs code 开启unocss 插件 占用内存比较高

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  • Check that there isn't already an issue that request the same feature to avoid creating a duplicate.

我目前使用unocss 开发移动端 ,使用的是谷歌浏览器进项调式开发 卡顿到 无法点击元素查看属性

Please provide the mini repo

Please provide the mini repo

vite + react-ts + less

import {
} from 'unocss'

const cfg = defineConfig({
shortcuts: [
// ...
{ "text-md":'text-base'},

theme: {
colors: {

spacing: {
  sm: '0.5rem',
  md: '0.75rem',
  lg: '1rem',
  xl: '1.5rem',
breakpoints: {
  sm: '320px',
  md: '640px',

presets: [


transformers: [

}) as any

export default cfg

position: absolute;
content: "";
@apply b-r-2 b-r-gray-6 b-b-2 b-b-gray-6 b-2 border-transparent right-0.5 bottom-0.5;

@apply block bg-gray-2/80 text-gray-6 text-md w-10 max-w-15 py-1 px-2 rounded-1 leading-none truncate relative;

我常常这样使用 请问这种写法推荐吗

.filter-item{ &::after{ position: absolute; content: ""; @apply b-r-2 b-r-gray-6 b-b-2 b-b-gray-6 b-2 border-transparent right-0.5 bottom-0.5; }

@apply block bg-gray-2/80 text-gray-6 text-md w-10 max-w-15 py-1 px-2 rounded-1 leading-none truncate relative;

} 我常常这样使用 请问这种写法推荐吗

Nested CSS is currently not handled well. It is not recommended to use it

We temporarily closed this due to the lack of enough information. We could not identify whether it was a bug or a userland misconfiguration with the given info.
Please provide a minimal reproduction to reopen the issue.

Why reproduction is required

.filter-item{ &::after{ position: absolute; content: ""; @apply b-r-2 b-r-gray-6 b-b-2 b-b-gray-6 b-2 border-transparent right-0.5 bottom-0.5; }
@apply block bg-gray-2/80 text-gray-6 text-md w-10 max-w-15 py-1 px-2 rounded-1 leading-none truncate relative;
} 我常常这样使用 请问这种写法推荐吗

Nested CSS is currently not handled well. It is not recommended to use it related:#3835#3573

我用less 他是起作用的 但我听从您的建议 ,right-0.5 会转换成 right-0 这是什么原因 我在vscode 中得到了有值的提示 有很多地方都是非整数都会转成最小整数,我该如何解决

.filter-item{ &::after{ position: absolute; content: ""; @apply b-r-2 b-r-gray-6 b-b-2 b-b-gray-6 b-2 border-transparent right-0.5 bottom-0.5; }
@apply block bg-gray-2/80 text-gray-6 text-md w-10 max-w-15 py-1 px-2 rounded-1 leading-none truncate relative;
} 我常常这样使用 请问这种写法推荐吗

Nested CSS is currently not handled well. It is not recommended to use it related:#3835#3573

我用less 他是起作用的 但我听从您的建议 ,right-0.5 会转换成 right-0 这是什么原因 我在vscode 中得到了有值的提示 有很多地方都是非整数都会转成最小整数,我该如何解决

You can use dynamic values like right-[10px]

.filter-item{ &::after{ position: absolute; content: ""; @apply b-r-2 b-r-gray-6 b-b-2 b-b-gray-6 b-2 border-transparent right-0.5 bottom-0.5; }
@apply block bg-gray-2/80 text-gray-6 text-md w-10 max-w-15 py-1 px-2 rounded-1 leading-none truncate relative;
} 我常常这样使用 请问这种写法推荐吗

Nested CSS is currently not handled well. It is not recommended to use it related:#3835#3573

我用less 他是起作用的 但我听从您的建议 ,right-0.5 会转换成 right-0 这是什么原因 我在vscode 中得到了有值的提示 有很多地方都是非整数都会转成最小整数,我该如何解决

You can use dynamic values like right-[10px]

我正是为了保持Rem尺寸的风格统一才用@apply 如此的话我就不用unocss 语法了

right-0.5 will not be converted to right-0. There is no minimized demo, but it is possible that you are using nested css. Because there is a problem with the matching support of css-tree, it is very likely that the reading will be incomplete or wrong, so I suggest you modify nested css and then see if it exists.

right-0.5 will not be converted to right-0. There is no minimized demo, but it is possible that you are using nested css. Because there is a problem with the matching support of css-tree, it is very likely that the reading will be incomplete or wrong, so I suggest you modify nested css and then see if it exists.

right-0.5 will not be converted to right-0. There is no minimized demo, but it is possible that you are using nested css. Because there is a problem with the matching support of css-tree, it is very likely that the reading will be incomplete or wrong, so I suggest you modify nested css and then see if it exists.

Thank you for your patient answer