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Slow unocss config loading since v0.59.0

hi-ogawa opened this issue · comments

UnoCSS version


Describe the bug

I was seeing slower startup when integrating unocss in a recent project and it looks like this is happening since v0.59.0.
It might not be noticeable on a decent PC, but I happen to be (temporary) using a worst laptop and this felt like a significant slow down (for exampele, from 608.85ms to 2.020s in a stackblitz reproduction below).

I briefly checked perf from node --inspect-brk repro.mjs and it appears that jiti (used by unconfig, which in turn used by @unocss/config) is taking a long time transforming something. I'm suspecting this might be because jiti is transforming entire unocss after it became esm only.

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// node repro.mjs
import { loadConfig } from "@unocss/config";

console.log(await loadConfig());
$ npm install && (node repro.mjs && (cd fast && npm i && node repro.mjs))
... on v0.60.2 ...
  config: {},
  sources: [ '/home/projects/qgnigvkoz.github/uno.config.ts' ]
[loadConfig]: 2.020s

... on v0.58.9 ...
  config: {},
  sources: [ '/home/projects/qgnigvkoz.github/fast/uno.config.ts' ]
[loadConfig]: 608.85ms

System Info



On my latpop also reproducible (i7 12700H):

  • v0.58.9: [loadConfig]: 889.937ms
  • v0.60.2: [loadConfig]: 1.620s

@hi-ogawa you can provide cwd and file name when loading the configuration: await loadConfig(process.cwd(), 'unocss.config.ts'):

  • v0.58.9: [loadConfig]: 225.94ms
  • v0.60.2: [loadConfig]: 664.644ms

Using in the reproductions (preparing PR):

	"overrides": {
		"unconfig": "0.4.1"
  • v0.58.9: [loadConfig]: 215.667ms
  • v0.60.2: [loadConfig]: 203.762ms