Unmark3d / gopro-py-api

Unofficial GoPro API Library for Python - connect to GoPro via WiFi.

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GoPro API for Python

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Unofficial GoPro API Library for Python - connect to GoPro cameras via WiFi.


  • HERO3
  • HERO3+
  • HERO4 (including HERO Session)
  • HERO+
  • HERO5 (including HERO5 Session)
  • HERO6
  • Fusion 1


From PyPi:

pip install goprocam

Git (unstable):

git clone http://github.com/konradit/gopro-py-api
cd gopro-py-api
python setup.py install

Tested on Python 3.6.0 -- works on Linux and Windows and Mac


HERO4 and newer (gpcontrol)

These cameras use a new version of GoPro API which centers around /gp/gpControl/ url.

Code Explanation
gpControlCommand(X,Y) Sends a command to the camera, using GoPro constants
gpControlSet(X,Y) Sends a setting to the camera, using GoPro constants
shutter(param) Starts a video or takes a picture
param=constants.start or constants.stop
shoot_video(X) Shoots a video, X is the number of seconds the video will be, default 0, (infinity)
take_photo(X) Takes a photo, X is the time before the picture is taken. Default 0. Returns URL
video_settings(X,Y) Changes the video settings
  • X=Video Resolution: 4k / 2k / 1440p / 1080p / 960p / 480p
  • Y=Frame Rate: 240 / 120 / 100 / 60 / 30 / 24
mode(X,Y) Changes the mode, X=Mode, Y=Submode (default is 0). Example: camera_mode(constants.Mode.PhotoMode, constants.Mode.SubMode.Photo.Single)
getStatusRaw() Returns the status dump of the camera in json
getStatus(X,Y) Returns the status.
  • X = constants.Status.Status or constants.Status.Settings
  • Y = status id (Status/Setup/Video/Photo/MultiShot).
  • NOTE: This returns the status of the camera as an integer.
infoCamera(option) Returns camera information
option = constants.Camera.Name/Number/Firmware/SerialNumber/SSID/MacAddress
overview() Prints a general overview of the camera status.
parse_value(X,Y) Parses integers to human strings (mode/sub_mode/rem_space/etc...)
delete() Can be: delete(last) or delete(all)
deleteFile(folder,file) Deletes a specific file
hilight() HiLights a moment in the video recording
power_on() Powers the camera on. NOTE: run this to put your H4 Session into app mode first!
power_off() Powers the camera off
syncTime() Syncs the camera time to the computer's time
locate(param) Makes the camera beep. locate(constants.Locate.Start) for start and locate(constants.Locate.Stop) for stop.
getMedia() returns the last media taken URL
downloadLastMedia() Downloads latest media taken
downloadMedia(folder, file) Downloads specified file, eg: 100GOPRO, GOPR0005.MP4
listMedia(option, array) Outputs a prettified JSON media list, for parsed output option must be True. Optional: array can be set to True and it will return an array with media items.
getMediaInfo(option) Gets the media info
downloadMedia(folder,file) Downloads a speficic file, folder and file needed. Example: downloadMedia("104GOPRO","GOPR0001.JPG")
downloadLowRes(path) If video path is specified, it will download the LRV version of the MP4 video (path needs to be a full MP4 video path). If not specified it will get the latest video recorded and download that.
Only framerates below 60FPS supported.
getVideoInfo(option, file, folder) Similar to getMediaInfo() but this will return the video duration or number of hilight tags.
Option can be: dur/tag_count/tags/profile. Optional: specify file and folder.
livestream(param) Starts, restarts or stops the livefeed via UDP.
stream(path) Streams the gopro feed to a specified path, such as udp://, FFmpeg needed!
streamSettings(bitrate, resolution) Sets the live stream's bitrate and resolution (HERO4/5)
pair() Allows for camera initial pairing, pass usepin=False for HERO5,6
getClip(file, resolution, fps, start_ms, stop_ms) Gets a subclip from a video (even a TimeLapse video), similar to GoPro Capture's clip extraction (they do it via http-range) but this one saves it to the SD card.
file = the file to get a clip from in the form of [XXX]GOPRO/GOPRXXXX.MP4
resolution = the resolution to resize it, constants.Clip.R1080p/R720p/R640p
fps = the fps division to perform on the clip: constants.Clip.FPS_NORMAL (leave as is)/FPS_2 (divide by 2)/FPS_4/FPS_8...
start_ms & stop_ms = the start and stop time of the clip in milliseconds.

HERO3/HERO3+/HERO2 (auth):

These cameras use the traditional /camera/ or /bacpac/ GoPro API, which is now deprecated and replaced with gpControl for newer cameras starting with HERO 4.

Code Explanation
sendCamera(X,Y) Sends a command to the camera using /camera/. Use constants.Hero3Commands.
sendBacpac(X,Y) Sends a command to the camera using /bacpac/. Use constants.Hero3Commands.
shutter(param) Starts a video or takes a picture
param=constants.start or constants.stop
shoot_video(X) Shoots a video, X is the number of seconds the video will be, default 0, (infinity)
take_photo(X) Takes a photo, X is the time before the picture is taken. Default 0.
video_settings(X,Y) Changes the video settings
  • X=Video Resolution: 4k / 2k / 1440p / 1080p / 960p / 480p
  • Y=Frame Rate: 240 / 120 / 100 / 60 / 30 / 24
mode(X,Y) Changes the mode, X=Mode: constants.Hero3Commands.Mode.VideoMode/PhotoMode/BurstMode/TimeLapseMode
getStatusRaw() Returns the status dump of the camera in json
getStatus(status) Gets camera status, status can be constants.Hero3Status.Mode/SpotMeter/TimeLapseInterval/FOV/Beep/LED/AutoOff/VideoRes/FPS/Loop/WhiteBalance/IsRecording/Pictures
infoCamera(option) Returns camera information
option = model_name, firmware_version, ssid
delete() Can be: delete(last) or delete(all)
deleteFile(folder,file) Deletes a specific file
power_on_auth() Powers the camera on.
power_off() Powers the camera off
syncTime() Syncs the camera time to the computer's time
getMedia() returns the last media taken URL
downloadLastMedia() Downloads latest media taken
listMedia() Outputs a prettified JSON media list
getMediaInfo(option) Gets the media info
downloadMedia(folder,file) Downloads a speficic file, folder and file needed. Example: downloadMedia("104GOPRO","GOPR0001.JPG")
downloadLowRes(path) If video path is specified, it will download the LRV version of the MP4 video (path needs to be a full MP4 video path). If not specified it will get the latest video recorded and download that.
Only framerates below 60FPS supported.
getVideoInfo(option) Similar to getMediaInfo() but this will return the video duration or number of hilight tags.
Option can be: dur/tag_count/tags/profile. Optional: specify file and folder.
livestream(param) Starts, restarts or stops the livefeed /live/amba.m3u8
stream(path) Streams the gopro feed to a specified path, such as udp://, FFmpeg needed!


You can do a ton of stuff with this library, here is a snippet of how some of the commands can be used:

from goprocam import GoProCamera
from goprocam import constants

gpCam = GoProCamera.GoPro()

NOTE: You can initialise with GoProCamera.GoPro() and it will detect which camera is connected and what API to use, this can be unreliable as I have only tested it with HERO4 and HERO3. If you want to connect to a specific camera use GoProCamera.GoPro(constants.gpcontrol) for HERO4/5/HERO+ and GoProCamera.GoPro(constants.auth) for HERO3/HERO3+.

If you want to specify a MAC address for the camera (only for HERO4/5/HERO+):

IMPORTANT: This is necessary for HERO5 Session/Black and HERO4 Session.


NOTE: Some commands are HERO4/5 only and viceversa: gpControlCommand/gpControlSet/gpControlExecute are for HERO4/5 only, sendBacpac/sendCamera are HERO3/3+ only. Make sure you use the right constant for getStatus according to your camera.


  • Start or stop

You can start a video or stop it, also take pictures or timelapses. This works with all cameras.

To start a video or take a picture:


To stop a video or timelapse:

  • Change Modes:

You can change camera modes. Second line only works with HERO4 Black/Silver/Session and HERO5 Black/Session (due to them having Modes and submodes.)

gpCam.mode(constants.Mode.VideoMode, constants.Video.SubMode.Looping)
  • Hilight taging:

HERO4 and newer only: You can set a hilight tag on a video.

  • Locate camera:

This will make the camera start beeping.

  • Turn camera on or off:

Depending on your specified camera, you can turn it on or off with a separate command.

For HERO4 and newer (gpcontrol):


For HERO3/3+ (auth):


To power off, regardless of camera used:

  • Quickly take a photo:

You can quickly snap a photo with just one command, you can specify a timer if you wish. This works with all cameras.

gpCam.take_photo(10) #will wait 10 seconds before taking the picture

It will return the photo URL

  • Quickly shoot a video:

You can start a video with just one command, you can specify the duration of the video, if you don't the video will not be stopped. This works with all cameras.

gpCam.shoot_video() #starts a video
gpCam.shoot_video(40) #shoots a 40 second video
  • Quickly change the video resolution:

This command will set the video resolution and frame rate specified, it will need to be typed between commas. Make sure your camera supports the video resolution and frame rate specified.

  • Set the correct time:

GoPro cameras need to have the clock set up, otherwise the media metadata will not be correct.


Change settings:

Depending on the camera you have, you will need to change the settings using certain commands.

  • HERO4 and newer:

The command gpControlSet() will allow you to change all the camera's settings. The structure is like follows:

gpCam.gpControlSet(constants.Setup.COMMAND_NAME, constants.Setup.CommandName.Parameter)

So, to turn off the beeps on the camera:

gpCam.gpControlSet(constants.Setup.BEEP, constants.Setup.Beep.OFF)

The constants commands are divided into different sections:

* Video
* Photo
* Multishot
* Setup

Each section has its different commands and parameters, so the beep command mentioned above is in setup.

For video, photo, and multishot you can change the resolution, protune values and depeding on the mode you can change mode-specific commands such as TimeLapse interval for Multishot to 10 seconds:

gpCam.gpControlSet(constants.Multishot.TIMELAPSE_INTERVAL, constants.Multishot.TimeLapseInterval.I10)

Or the Video+Photo submode interval from video mode to 30 minutes:

gpCam.gpControlSet(constants.Video.VIDEO_PHOTO_INTERVAL, constants.Video.VideoPhotoInterval.Interval30Min)

For the complete list of available settings, look in the constants.py file.

  • HERO3 / HERO3+

For HERO3/HERO3+ cameras its a bit different, because they use an older version of the API the commands are not the same as HERO4.

gpCam.sendCamera(constants.Hero3Commands.COMMAND_NAME, constants.Hero3Commands.CommandName.Parameter)

Most of the settings are on constants.Hero3Commands. but the ones found in the GoPro Setup section are in constants.Hero3Commands.Setup. and the settings in Capture Settings are found in constants.Hero3Commands.

  • Hero3Commands:

    • FOV
  • Setup:

    • BEEP
    • LED
    • NTSC
  • Capture Settings:

    • HERO3+ Black Cameras only:
      • SPOT_METER
      • ISO
gpCam.sendCamera(constants.Hero3Commands.BURST_RATE, constants.Hero3Commands.BurstRate.BU10_1)
gpCam.sendCamera(constants.Hero3Commands.Setup.LED, constants.Hero3Commands.Setup.StatusLight.OFF)
gpCam.sendCamera(constants.Hero3Commands.CaptureSettings.PROTUNE, constants.Hero3Commands.CaptureSettings.ProTune.ON)


You can get all status available.

gpCam.overview() will display a simple overview of the camera, such as this one:

For HERO4 and newer:

current mode: Video
current submode: Video
current video resolution: 1080p
current video framerate: 30
pictures taken: 78
videos taken:  17
videos left: 01:42:46
pictures left: 3916
battery left: Nearly Empty
space left in sd card: 24.27GB
camera SSID: KonradHERO4Black
Is Recording: Not recording - standby
Clients connected: 1
camera model: HERO4 Black
camera ssid name: KonradHERO4Black
firmware version: HD4.

For HERO3/3+:

current mode: Video
current video resolution: 1080p
current photo resolution: 12mp
current timelapse interval: 1s
current video Fov: Wide
status lights: OFF
recording: OFF
HERO4 and newer:

The status messages are divided into 2 sections, Status and Settings.

In Status, the camera returns the camera in general, for example number of photos taken, battery left, current mode...

In Settings, it returns the status from the id specified, this id is a command from the constants file that works in gpControlSet()

You can use getStatus() to query the status messages.

gpCam.getStatus(constants.Status.Status,constants.Status.STATUS.Mode) #Gets current mode status

gpCam.getStatus(constants.Status.Status, constants.Status.STATUS.BatteryLevel) #Gets battery level

gpCam.getStatus(constants.Status.Settings, constants.Setup.ORIENTATION) #Gets orientation mode

This returns the raw value, to convert it into something we can easily recognise you use parse_value()

gpCam.parse_value("video_left",gpCam.getStatus(constants.Status.Status, constants.Status.STATUS.RemVideoTime))

gpCam.parse_value("video_res",gpCam.getStatus(constants.Status.Settings, constants.Video.RESOLUTION))

gpCam.parse_value("battery", gpCam.getStatus(constants.Status.Status, constants.Status.STATUS.BatteryLevel))

To get information about the camera, such as the name or firmware version with infoCamera():

print(gpCam.infoCamera(constants.Camera.Name)) #Gets camera name
HERO4 Black
print(gpCam.infoCamera(constants.Camera.Firmware)) #Gets camera fw version

Very similar to sendCamera(), you can input any value you want to get and it will return it.

The status messages are in constants.Hero3Status.. This will return the raw value.


To translate those values to something we can understand:

gpCam.parse_value(constants.Hero3Status.PicRes, gpCam.getStatus(constants.Hero3Status.PicRes))
gpCam.parse_value(constants.Hero3Status.TimeLapseInterval, gpCam.getStatus(constants.Hero3Status.TimeLapseInterval))
gpCam.parse_value(constants.Hero3Status.Mode, gpCam.getStatus(constants.Hero3Status.Mode))


This is camera agnostic:

  • Get the url of latest video or picture taken
print(gpCam.getMedia()) #Latest media taken URL
  • Get the latest media's filename/size:
print(gpCam.getMediaInfo("file")) #Latest media taken filename
print(gpCam.getMediaInfo("size")) #Latest media taken size
  • Download the latest media:
gpCam.downloadLastMedia() #Downloads last video/photo taken
  • Download a certain URL (or snap something and download it.):
gpCam.downloadLastMedia(gpCam.take_photo(5)) #Waits 5 seconds, takes a photo, downloads it to current directory.
gpCam.downloadLastMedia(gpCam.shoot_video(120)) #Shoots a 120 second video and then downloads it.
  • Download a video in low resolution:

You can download a video that is recorded in 1080p or below in low resolution. This enables fast transfer of videos but the low res videos are only intended to be used as a reference for the actual high quality video.

gpCam.downloadLowRes() #video is already recorded, now this downloads the low resolution version
gpCam.downloadLowRes(gpCam.shoot_video(120)) #Record a 120 second video and download it in low resolution
  • Download all media on the camera:
gpCam.downloadAll() #downloads all media
gpCam.downloadAll("photos") #downloads only all photos
gpCam.downloadAll("videos") #downloads all videos
  • Download a specific media:
  • Get video metadata:
gpCam.getVideoInfo("dur", "GOPR2524.MP4") #gets video duration

gpCam.getVideoInfo("tags", "GOPR2524.MP4") #get an array of hilight tags in ms
[5872, 7907] 

gpCam.getVideoInfo("tag_count", "GOPR2524.MP4")
  • Delete:





A specific file:

  • List camera media contents:

it will return a JSON list of the media files available on the camera:

  "id": "3993129928403681535",
  "media": [
      "d": "104GOPRO",
      "fs": [
          "mod": "1490468532",
          "n": "GOPR2760.JPG",
          "s": "4919786"
          "mod": "1490468536",
          "n": "GOPR2761.JPG",
          "s": "4942872"
          "mod": "1490468540",
          "n": "GOPR2762.JPG",
          "s": "4943428"

If you want it formatted:

folder: 104GOPRO

will return it in a new line each.

Lastly, if you want it in an array:

gpCam.listMedia(format=True, media_array=True)
[['100GOPRO', 'GOPR3132.MP4', '741578340'], ['100GOPRO', 'GOPR3133.MP4', '61818786'], ['100GOPRO', 'GOPR3134.MP4', '52298492'], ['100GOPRO', 'GOPR3135.MP4', '22484879']]
>>> m=gopro.listMedia(True, True)
>>> m[0] #First media item
['100GOPRO', 'GOPR3132.MP4', '741578340']
>>> m[1] Second media item
['100GOPRO', 'GOPR3133.MP4', '61818786']
>>> m[2] Third media item
['100GOPRO', 'GOPR3134.MP4', '52298492']
>>> m[2][1] #Get name of third media item
>>> m[2][0] #Get folder of third media item
>>> m[2][2] #Get size (bytes) of first media item


If you don't want to use the GoPro APP to pair your camera for the first time you can pair it with this API.

gopro = GoProCamera.GoPro()
gopro.pair(usepin=False) # GoPro HERO 5, HERO 6


In regards to streaming, this library provides with the following functions:

This will enable livestreaming on all cameras.


To stream GoPro feed to another place such as localhost (this is needed for HERO4/5):


You can also set the quality of the stream, HERO5 supports 720p!

gpCam.streamSettings(constants.Stream.Bitrate.B4Mbps, constants.Stream.WindowSize.R480) #For HERO4

gpCam.streamSettings(constants.Stream.Bitrate.B4Mbps, constants.Stream.WindowSize.R720) #For HERO5

For HERO3 do the same steps above.

See the examples/opencv_gopro folder for a python script to open the HERO4/5 feed in openCV and detect faces. On examples/streaming there are scripts to stream the GoPro live feed to Facebook, YouTube or Twitch.

Video screencap:


Unofficial GoPro API Library for Python - connect to GoPro via WiFi.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%