unjs / fontaine

Automatic font fallback based on font metrics

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

add framework examples

danielroe opened this issue · comments

It would be good to add some sandboxes or example configurations so it's easy for people to get up-and-running with (at least):

  • Angular
  • Laravel
  • Vite
  • Next.js

Here's my example using Astro

Did I do it right? 😅

@johneatmon That looks perfect! Only issue seems to be that font-sans is not used anywhere in the demo, but I think the point is that you've set it up to work when it is used. Would you like to create a PR to add to README?

Yeah, @danielroe that's probably something I should add just to make it a little more clear. In Tailwind CSS, sans is automatically applied in the baked-in reset, so it's "implied." I'll make a plain CSS version for Astro as well. 🙂

Would you like both examples on the same PR?

Here's a non-Tailwind example of Astro with Fontaine. Also, I updated the Tailwind example with the font-sans class applied to the body, to make the example more explicit.

added config example here: fb0c62b. The Stackblitzes are great - and might work quite well when/if we give fontaine a web site of its own.