unjs / fontaine

Automatic font fallback based on font metrics

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Customize the font overridden name

edimitchel opened this issue Β· comments

πŸ†’ Your use case

Probably in some case, we won't have that override name in the font name.

πŸ†• The solution you'd like

I would like to suggest to customize the overridden name.

πŸ” Alternatives you've considered

I probably not understand well, so let me know if I'm wrong.

ℹ️ Additional info

No response

It shouldn't matter what the override name is, as long as it matches between the font-face rule and the font-family.

But it should be possible to customise it.

Are you experiencing an issue?

no but as I'm a bit perfectionist, this could be an issue for me :p