unixcharles / acme-client

A Ruby client for the letsencrypt's ACME protocol.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


deepbodra97 opened this issue · comments

challenge.status returns valid

Ordering Certificate:
new_private_key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(4096)
csr = Acme::Client::CertificateRequest.new(private_key: new_private_key, subject: { common_name:'4a58d2f2.ngrok.io' })
order.finalize(csr: csr)
sleep(5) while order.status == 'processing'
puts "certificate ordered=#{order.certificate}"

infact order.status is valid

I am getting error mentioned in the title at this line
puts "certificate ordered=#{order.certificate}"

Any help would be appreciated!