univrsal / JustEnoughButtons

Adds utility buttons to the inventory screen

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Disconnect when clicking on gamemode change button

PoempelPinguin opened this issue · comments

Hello, first, I like your mod very much!

But... When I click on the button to change gamemode I am instantly disconnected without crash log.

I use JEB together with JEI in my private modpack on a SpongeForge-server.

This is my config (but it doesn't seem the config is applied because it was still default until I changed ingame): https://pastebin.com/PNzTJdAi


Can you give me a log? Inside your .minecraft folder (Or if you use MultiMC inside the instance folder) there should be a logs folder which contains the file latest.log.
Forge also keeps logs inside .minecraft (I think they're called fml-latest or something) so you could also give me those.