unitycoder / UnityLauncher

Unity Version Launcher

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Explorer Context menu not working, Cannot find registry key: Software\classes\dictionary\background\shell

friuns2 opened this issue · comments


hmm.. is that win10, or maybe try running as an admin?
(so far works on my 2 pc's that i've tested)

or maybe that key doesnt exist if you dont have other contect menu items added?

yes i dont have but i have only Software\classes\dictionary\shell

if i create manually directory Software\classes\dictionary\background\shell
then Install works, so i guess you have to create it if its not there


ok thanks!
ill add some check there later (and create the folder if it doesnt exists)


just noticed the install button doesn't work on one different pc either.. so need to look into that

on my work pc with windows 10 not working but on home pc with win 10 it works...