unitedstates / congress-legislators

Members of the United States Congress, 1789-Present, in YAML/JSON/CSV, as well as committees, presidents, and vice presidents.

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The 118th Congress - leadership_roles

mattpaz opened this issue · comments

Is population of leadership_roles in legislators-current.yaml for the 118th Congress pending?
Possibly related to: #827

It's not something I'm working on (due to lack of time) but I'd gladly merge a PR with it.

If someone wants to do it please follow the pattern in #660.

Thanks for the update and for citing prior work. One quick question. Is the data manually curated or harvested via python scraping? Based on this commit, it looks like it might involve manually updating the yaml using the conventions cited in that PR. If so, I could probably send a PR over.

I'm guessing this commit is separate from the actual data updates?

manually updating the yaml

That's right. As I recall, I did it manually in a text editor.

this commit is separate from the actual data updates?

Yeah I don't think that was related. I probably just noticed around the same time as working on other things.