unige-geohealth / accessmod

accessmod 5 : anisotropic accessibility analysis.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Working project now throws an error when starting

loicbaecher opened this issue · comments

Current Behavior

Working project now throws an error when loading it.

Steps to Reproduce

I made a project that was working on 5.7.21-beta-1.3-ceil.
When I loaded the project today, it threw an error and prevented me from doing anything. I can't access the files in the project either.
The error message is the following :

"Module project: init grass session

The command: g.region -o raster=rDem__dem@PERMANENT vector= align=rDem__dem@PERMANENT produced an error (1) during execution: ERROR: Region file cotedivoire/WIND is empty


execGRASS_orig("g.region",raster = "rDem__dem@PERMANENT", vector = character(0), align = "rDem__dem@PERMANENT", flags = "o")"

This might mean that some files have been corrupted, e.g. stopping the VM or Docker before the end of an analysis, or such.
You can try to reset spatial setting for that project:


Similar issues :

If it did not work, please let me know


Thank you very much for the quick answer. I accessed the computer on which the analysis was made remotely so I am unfortunately not aware whether docker stopped unexpectedly or not.

I have tried reseting the spatial settings but unfortunately, the same error is thrown afterwards.


  • Are you able to switch projects ?
  • What the content of the the am5_location cookie ? document.cookie in the console, or click on the (i) in the URL bar:


Thank you.

  • Yes
  • The content value changes to whatever project I chose before choosing the project that isn't working. For example : If I select "project A" before selecting the project throwing an error, the value will be "project A". If I chose "project B" before, then the value will be "project B".

( I am currently working on the docker version, therefore I found the value after toggling developer tools ON, and clicking on the application tab of the windows that opens, is that the right place ?)

Reinstalling docker and AccessMod fixed the problem.