unige-geohealth / accessmod

accessmod 5 : anisotropic accessibility analysis.

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Docker AM version not connecting to Docker anymore

nicolasray opened this issue · comments

For about 2 weeks I have a persistent error when I start up the Docker version of AM through the AM app (latest version), on my ARM M1 Mac. Docker is running, but AM cannot connect, with the following error:

An error occurred.
Please make sure that Docker is installed and running on your system.
AccessMod requires it to start a server.

What I tried to do:

  • change AM version
  • reinstall latest version of Docker
  • remove all former AM images and volumes in Docker
  • then I reinstalled the AM app (the one in Dropbox, version 5.7.17): same error. The problem is that I cannot upgrade from it to the latest version of AM that was debugged for working well on M1

I need rapid help on this. thanks !


It could be a network issue.

  • Have you tried to turn off/off your computer?
  • Have you installed extension / antivirus / alternative firewall?
  • Are you aware of an application installed recently that just predate the issue?
  • What version of MacOS are you using?

In any case, the Electron app – AccessMod Desktop – is just a front-end for docker, and since the ARM version, it's outdated on MacOS. I don't have time to support mac x86, aarch (ARM), windows and virtualbox, on top of the docker image itself. And the app itself and all its dependencies. This was a good idea when AccessMod 5 was on the rise, but as it's not planned to be developed anymore, maintaining all this is an overkill.

We should stop the support for the launcher, as we don't even have founding to buy proper Apple and Microsoft certificate to build valid apps.

However, as you mentioned that you need rapid issue resolution, what you can do is just a docker-compose file and launch it from there.

I've written a post in our wiki:


This has been fixed by docker team, and should be available with docker 4.13.1.
However, this is a reminder that the code from the launcher should not rely on /var/run/docker.sock, especially if we would let non-admin(root) user launch dockerized version of AccessMod. Not sure how, for now.
@nicolasray if this is solved for you, please close this issue, thanks

Yes, this works now with docker 4.13.1