unicodeveloper / laravel-paystack

:credit_card: :package: :moneybag: Laravel 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 Package for Paystack

Home Page:https://paystack.co

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Paystack Does Not Support Local Environment Tests Since http access is prohibited

Iconbanderas opened this issue · comments

Paystack no longer supports localhost testing for callback URLs and webhook URLS on https://dashboard.paystack.com/#/settings/developers

@Iconbanderas you can use ngrok to generate an https URL and tunnel requests to localhost

Paystack no longer supports localhost testing for callback URLs and webhook URLS on https://dashboard.paystack.com/#/settings/developers

Just use a custom callback url in your code like this;

$data = [
            'amount'    => ($amount * 100),
            'email'     => $request->email,
            'currency'  => 'NGN',
            'reference' => Paystack::genTranxRef(),
            'metadata' => [],
            'callback_url' => route('payment.verify')