unicodeveloper / laravel-cloudinary

Laravel 5, 6 & 7 Package for Media Management With Cloudinary (DEPRECATED) 🗄️ 📁 🗂️

Home Page:https://cloudinary.com

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Transformations on upload

coxlr opened this issue · comments


Is it possible to perform image transformations on upload? I have followed the Cloudinary docs, and added the options array to the upload call, but when trying to perform transformations, I receive an error.

My requested looks like this:

Cloudinary::upload($request->file('file')->getRealPath(), [
    'folder' => 'avatar',
    'transformation' => [
        'width' => 100,
        'height' => 100,

But this give the error:

ErrorException Array to string conversion

I have also tried the following:

Cloudinary::upload($request->file('file')->getRealPath(), [
    'folder' => 'avatar',
    'transformation' => [
            'width' => 100,
            'height' => 100,

Which gives the same error.

And also

Cloudinary::upload($request->file('file')->getRealPath(), [
    'folder' => 'avatar',
    'width' => 100,
    'height' => 100,

But only the folder gets used and the width and height are not passed.

Hello @coxlr Looking into this right now.

@coxlr Just fixed this issue. Please update the package to the latest release.

Now, you can perform your image transformations on upload like you wanted:

You need to use the transformation key like so:

Cloudinary::upload($request->file('image')->getRealPath(), [
        'folder' => 'avatar',
        'transformation' => [
                  'width' => 100,
                  'height' => 100

Furthermore, you can make the resizing uniform by passing the crop option to it like so:

Cloudinary::upload($request->file('image')->getRealPath(), [
        'folder' => 'avatar',
        'transformation' => [
                  'width' => 100,
                  'height' => 100,
                  'crop' => 'limit'

Awesome thank you. It works perfectly now.
Thanks for looking in to this so quickly.