unicefuganda / necoc


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Add SMS Poll

kasmatt opened this issue · comments

As a NECOC DMS user I want to send out a poll to any registered volunteers/Users So that I can get additional data about an impending or currently existing disaster


  • None


  • None

Pending questions/Notes

  • None


Main Tasks

  • Add new page for polls
  • Add model to send out a poll

Acceptance Criteria

  • Given that I am a NECOC DMS user When I Navigate to the dashboard Then a new option 'Polls' will be displayed on the side menu
  • Given that I am a NECOC DMS user When Click the 'Polls' option Then I will be redirected to the Polls page where all current polls will be listed
  • Given that I am a NECOC DMS user When Select the new poll button on the 'Polls' page Then a modal will be displayed where I will be able to enter the details of the new poll as follows:
    • Poll Name (Required)
    • Poll Question (Required)
    • Poll Key Word (Required - Max 10 Chars)
    • Location (Required - List)
  • Given that I am a NECOC DMS user When I enter all the details of the poll and click 'Send Poll' Then The poll swill be sent via SMS to all the users in the selected location(s) and it will be added at the top of the poll list